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Observer and Observable

To write output messages when desired by the user, the observer pattern is implemented in Ikarus. Four things are necessary to understand the implementation of observer patterns: Messages, IObservable, IObserver and Subscriptions.


A message class is a list of possible events that can happen and might be of interest. The messages that are used for nonlinear solvers are listed below as an example.

enum class NonLinearSolverMessages {


A class can be observable. The class then sends notifications when events are happening. To become observable, a class must inherit from IObservable<MessageType>, for example,

class NewtonRaphson : public IObservable<NonLinearSolverMessages> {...};

The function this->notify(MessageType::Message) is called at the appropriate position in the code to send a notification. This could be, for example,



A class can be an observer. The class is then notified when events are happening and can perform actions. A very simple example is shown below. To become an observer, the class must inherit from IObserver<MessageType>, where MessageType is the enum of messages to use (see above).

class OurFirstObserver : public IObserver<NonLinearSolverMessages> {
  void updateImpl(NonLinearSolverMessages message) override {
    if (message == NonLinearSolverMessages::ITERATION_STARTED) std::cout << "Iteration started.\n";

The observer has to implement the function void updateImpl(MessageType message). In this function, all actions can be implemented that should be performed when the corresponding message is received.

To connect observer and observable, one has to call observalbe.subscribe(MessageType::Message,observer). Example:

Ikarus::NewtonRaphson nr(...);
auto ourSimpleObserver = std::make_shared<OurFirstObserver>();
nr.subscribe(NonLinearSolverMessages::ITERATION_STARTED, ourSimpleObserver);


There are a couple of options for the subscription:

subscribe(MessageType::Message,observer) // (1)!
subscribeAll(observer) // (2)!
subscribeAll({observer1,observer2}) // (3)!
unSubscribe(...) // (4)!
  1. Subscribe to one specific message.
  2. Subscribes to all the messages in enum.
  3. Multiple observers can subscribe at once.
  4. Unsubscribe from specific messages or all messages.

To send a message together with data, the sender (observable) calls

this->notify(MessageType::Message, data);

and the receiver (observer) has to implement

void updateImpl(MessageType message, data) override {...}

To see all available options for data, we refer to the file observer.hh.