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In order to understand several features of Ikarus, a set of examples is provided within the finite element framework. These can be found at ( The installation and execution methodologies are briefly discussed in the ( file of the repository. Each example is given a unique identification in the beginning of the file name of the form iksXXX. This unique identification is also used in the following instead of the complete *.cpp file name. Auxiliary files for the examples, such as *.msh, *.geo, or *.parset can be found in ../../src/testfiles/. In order to add a new example, create a pull request with your executable file in the repository IkarusExamples and, in parallel, update the documentation here. See (../03_contribution/ and (../03_contribution/ for more information.

The available examples are:

Identification Name of the example
iks001 (
iks002 (
iks003 (
iks004 (
iks005 (
iks006 (
iks007 (
iks008 (