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How to edit this documentation


  • Ikarus cloned on your computer, see (../

Edit a page

  • Open Ikarus
  • Go to the folder docs\website
  • Go to the Markdown file that corresponds to the page to be edited
  • Apply your changes using any desired tool
  • Create a pull request
  • Once the pull request is accepted, the website is automatically updated

Add a new page

  • Open Ikarus
  • Go to the folder docs\website and create a new Markdown file, e.g. The new Markdown file could be added in any relevant existing folder or added to a new folder starting with a consecutive folder number, e.g., XX_myFolder
  • Open the file docs\mkdocs.yml
  • Find the navigation section which starts with # Navigation
  • The navigation section describes the navigation on the left side of the website. Add XX_myFolder/ where you want it to appear
  • Create a pull request
  • Once the pull request is accepted, the website is automatically updated

Insert a LaTeX formula

The Markdown format:

$$ \mathbf{X} \left( \xi,\eta \right) = \begin{bmatrix} \xi^2 \\ 5\xi\eta \end{bmatrix} $$

The compiled output:

\[ \mathbf{X} \left( \xi,\eta \right) = \begin{bmatrix} \xi^2 \\ 5\xi\eta \end{bmatrix} \]

Insert a C++ code

The Markdown format:

    double complicatedCalculation(double number, double anotherNumber)
      return number*anotherNumber;

The compiled output:

double complicatedCalculation(double number, double anotherNumber)
  return number*anotherNumber;

Insert tables, warnings and notes

Look at the Markdown file (03_contribution/ to see how tables, warnings and notes can be inserted.

Grid Entity Interface
GridViewType leafGridView()
GridViewType levelGridView(int level)

Insert a warning

Note that the four spaces at the beginning of this line are essential for the warning to be displayed correctly.


For available features in the documentation see ( and (