▼NIkarus | |
▼NConcepts | |
RFlatInterLeavedBasis | Concept to check if a basis uses FlatInterleaved indexing strategy |
RLagrangeNode | Concept to check if a node in a basis tree is a Lagrangian node |
RLagrangeNodeOfOrder | |
RFlatLexicographicBasis | Concept to check if a basis uses FlatLexicographic indexing strategy |
RFlatIndexBasis | Concept to check if a basis uses FlatIndex indexing strategy |
RBlockedInterLeavedBasis | Concept to check if a basis uses BlockedInterleaved indexing strategy |
RBlockedLexicographicBasis | Concept to check if a basis uses BlockedLexicographic indexing strategy |
RDuneLocalBasis | Concept to check if a local basis is a duneLocalBasis |
RBlockedIndexBasis | Concept to check if a basis uses either BlockedLexicographic or BlockedInterleaved indexing strategy |
RPathFollowingStrategy | Concept defining the requirements for a path-following strategy |
RAdaptiveStepSizingStrategy | Concept to check if a type implements all the needed functions to be an adaptive step sizing method |
RLinearSolverCheck | Concept to check if a linear solver implements all the needed functions for given vector and matrix types |
RNonLinearSolverCheckForPathFollowing | Concept to check if a non-linear solver with its non-linear operator satisfies requirements for path following |
RMultiplyAble | Concept defining the requirements for types that support multiplication |
RAddAble | Concept defining the requirements for types that support addition |
RSubstractAble | Concept defining the requirements for types that support subtraction |
RMultiplyAssignAble | Concept defining the requirements for types that support in-place multiplication |
RDivideAssignAble | Concept defining the requirements for types that support in-place division |
RAddAssignAble | Concept defining the requirements for types that support in-place addition |
RSubstractAssignAble | Concept defining the requirements for types that support in-place subtraction |
RDivideAble | Concept defining the requirements for types that support division |
RNegateAble | Concept defining the requirements for types that support negation |
RTransposeAble | Concept defining the requirements for types that support transposition |
RIsFunctorWithArgs | Concept defining the requirements for functors with arguments |
REigenVector | Concept defining the requirements for Eigen vectors |
REigenMatrix | Concept defining the requirements for Eigen matrices. This also includes Eigen vectors |
RIsMaterial | Concept defining the requirements for a material type |
RGeometricallyLinearMaterial | Concepts defining the requirements for a material to be geometrically linear This is the case when the corresponding strainTag is linear |
RResultType | A concept to check if a template type satisfies the ResultType requirements |
RFlatAssembler | Concept representing the requirements for a FlatAssembler.A type T satisfies FlatAssembler if it provides the necessary member functions and data types for assembling sparse matrices in a flat structure |
RScalarFlatAssembler | Concept representing the requirements for a ScalarFlatAssembler.A type T satisfies ScalarFlatAssembler if it is a FlatAssembler and if it provides the necessary scalar() member functions |
RVectorFlatAssembler | Concept representing the requirements for a VectorFlatAssembler.A type T satisfies VectorFlatAssembler if it is a ScalarFlatAssembler and if it provides the necessary vector() member functions |
RMatrixFlatAssembler | Concept representing the requirements for a MatrixFlatAssembler.A type T satisfies MatrixFlatAssembler if it is a VectorFlatAssembler and if it provides the necessary matrix() member functions |
RDataCollector | |
RGridView | |
RAutodiffScalar | Concept to check if the underlying scalar type is a dual type |
▼Ntraits | |
RPointer | Concept to check if a type is a pointer or nullptr_t |
RFEAffordance | Concept to check if a given type is one of the predefined affordance enums or the AffordanceCollection |
RCorrectStrainSize | Template concept for ensuring correct strain size |
RMPTuple | Concept for checking if a type is a valid material parameter tuple |