Change the cmake option, for example, in Clion: Open File --> Settings --> Build,Execution,Deployment --> Cmake.
Add -DBUILD_DOCS=TRUE to your cmake options
Choose target localSite and build it (for instance, click on the hammer)
After a couple of seconds, build messages should appear that look similar to the picture below.
Click on Services in the footer, double-click on Docker and unfold Containers. There should be
one container with a blue box, while the other containers have a blue box with a white square inside
(see figure below). In this example, the container we are looking for is elegant_bassi.
The name will be different on your computer, but the relevant criterion for finding the container
is the blue box.
Click on the container with the blue box and navigate to Port Bindings.
Add a new port by clicking on +, activate Host port under Modifiy options and enter
8000 in both fields (see image below). Confirm with OK.
Click on Save in the lower right corner. This will restart the container. Messages will appear
saying that the build failed. These messages can be ignored. The build process restarts automatically.
Now you should see a live preview of the documentation in your browser.
You can edit the documentation in CLion. Ctrl + s saves the documentation and updates it in
the browser window.
Cancel the build process to stop the live preview. To restart the live preview, you will have to
modify the container settings again. Therefore, it is recommended to stop the live preview
only after you have finished working on the documentation.