Von Mises truss calculation¶
utilizes the tools and features mentioned in the previous examples to solve the
standard Von-Mises truss example found in literature (refer to Section 21).
Code highlights¶
The struct named Truss
is created such that it inherits from PowerBasisFE
It must be decorated with AutoDiffFE
as well to compute the stiffness matrix and load vectors during construction.
It is constructed as shown below:
Truss(const Basis &basis, const typename LocalView::Element &element, double p_EA)
: BaseDisp(basis.flat(), element), EA{p_EA} {
), the element (&element
), and the axial stiffness of the
truss structure (p_EA
) as arguments during construction.
ScalarType calculateScalarImpl(const FERequirementType &par, const Eigen::VectorX<ScalarType> &dx)
then defined, returning a scalar value, in this case the energy.
The energy is defined as 0.5 * EA / sqrt(LRefsquared) * Egl * Egl
with Egl
being the Green-Lagrange strain defined as
) and length (L
) of the truss system are defined, which is followed by
the addition of the vertices and elements to create a grid as shown below:
Dune::GridFactory<Dune::FoamGrid<1, 2, double>> gridFactory;
const double h = 1.0;
const double L = 1.0;
gridFactory.insertVertex({0, 0});
gridFactory.insertVertex({L, h});
gridFactory.insertVertex({2 * L, 0});
gridFactory.insertElement(Dune::GeometryTypes::line, {0, 1});
gridFactory.insertElement(Dune::GeometryTypes::line, {1, 2});
auto grid = gridFactory.createGrid();
auto gridView = grid->leafGridView();
elements are then created, followed by the fixing of the
degrees of freedom at the boundaries ({0,0}
and {2 * L,0}
). A vertical downward load is applied to the center node.
The non-linear operator is then constructed. The Newton-Raphson method is used as the non-linear solver, and an nonLinearSolverObserver
created to write messages as desired by the non-linear solver. An additional lvkObserver
is created using the Ikarus::GenericControlObserver
feature. This observer helps to fill up the matrix lambdaAndDisp
with the load factor lambda
and the two unconstrained degrees of freedom whenever
the solution is changed (ControlMessages::SOLUTION_CHANGED
), which means that the Newton-Raphson method has converged to a solution.
This is implemented as depicted in the following:
const int loadSteps = 10;
Eigen::Matrix3Xd lambdaAndDisp;
lambdaAndDisp.setZero(Eigen::NoChange, loadSteps + 1);
auto lvkObserver = std::make_shared<Ikarus::GenericControlObserver>(ControlMessages::SOLUTION_CHANGED, [&](int step) {
lambdaAndDisp(0, step) = lambda;
lambdaAndDisp(1, step) = d[2];
lambdaAndDisp(2, step) = d[3];
and lvkObserver
The features from Matplot++ are then used to plot the load-displacement curve from the matrix lambdaAndDisp
can be used to embed one or two-dimensional grid entities into a multi-dimensional physical space.- A simple truss element can be constructed using the automatic differentiation procedure.
can be used to perform user-desired tasks at any desired point by observing a non-linear solver procedure.
R. V. Mises. Über die stabilitätsprobleme der elastizitätstheorie. ZAMM - Journal of Applied Mathematics and Mechanics / Zeitschrift für Angewandte Mathematik und Mechanik, 3(6):406–422, 1923. doi:10.1002/zamm.19230030602. ↩