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In order to understand several features of Ikarus, a set of examples is provided within the finite element framework. These can be found at IkarusExamples. The installation and execution methodologies are briefly discussed in the README file of the repository. Each example is given a unique identification in the beginning of the file name of the form iksXXX. This unique identification is also used in the following instead of the complete *.cpp file name. Auxiliary files for the examples, such as *.msh, *.geo, or *.parset can be found in ../../src/testFiles/. In order to add a new example, create a pull request with your executable file in the repository IkarusExamples and, in parallel, update the documentation here. See How to Contribute and How to Edit for more information.

The available examples are:

Identification Name of the example
iks001 Compute the value of \(\pi\)
iks002 Cantilever beam with point load
iks003 Deformation of an incompressible rubber block
iks004 Plate subjected to a surface load
iks005 Newton-Raphson method
iks006 Non-linear Elasticity for 2D solids
iks007 Von-Mises truss
iks008 Cook's membrane