Non-linear Elasticity for 2D solids¶
In iks006_nonlinear2DSolid.cpp
, an automatic differentiation-based implementation is used to perform a non-linear analysis on a 2D block.
Various methods to obtain a 2D grid via Dune are also shown in the commented section at
the beginning. Python is used to provide a Neumann boundary condition, providing a demonstration for the usage of
Python-based code within the Ikarus framework. The load control method is chosen as the desired control routine, and
Newton-Raphson (or trust region methods) are used to solve the non-linear problem itself.
Code highlights¶
This example uses two macros, gridType
and solverType
, that are to be set as desired before executing the example.
The gridType
can be set to 0, 1, or 2, denoting an ALUGrid
, a YaspGrid
, and a NURBSGrid
The solverType
can be set to either 0 or 1 for Newton-Raphson
and Trust region
methods respectively.
When ALUGrid
is chosen, the mesh file auxiliaryFiles/unstructuredTrianglesfine.msh
is read using Dune::GmshReader
and is then globally refined once. The YaspGrid
created a square block of length 1 with 10 elements in either direction.
also creates a square block of length 1 with a polynomial degree of 2 in both directions.
The block is subjected to a Neumann load on the right edge (\(x=1\)) that is incorporated using the dune-python interface as shown below:
Dune::BitSetVector<1> neumannVertices(gridView.size(2), false);
std::string lambdaNeumannVertices = std::string("lambda x: ( x[0]>0.999 )");
Python::Reference main = Python::import("__main__");
Python::run("import math");
Python::runStream() << std::endl << "import sys" << std::endl << "import os" << std::endl;
auto pythonNeumannVertices = Python::make_function<bool>(Python::evaluate(lambdaNeumannVertices));
for (auto &&vertex : vertices(gridView)) {
bool isNeumann = pythonNeumannVertices(vertex.geometry().corner(0));
neumannVertices[indexSet.index(vertex)] = isNeumann;
BoundaryPatch<decltype(gridView)> neumannBoundary(gridView, neumannVertices);
auto volumeLoad = [](auto &globalCoord, auto &lamb) {
Eigen::Vector2d fext;
return fext;
auto neumannBoundaryLoad = [](auto &globalCoord, auto &lamb) {
Eigen::Vector2d fext;
fext[1] = lamb / 40;
return fext;
auto matParameter = Ikarus::toLamesFirstParameterAndShearModulus({.emodul = 1000, .nu = 0.3});
Ikarus::StVenantKirchhoff matSVK(matParameter);
auto reducedMat = planeStress(matSVK);
std::vector<Ikarus::NonLinearElastic<decltype(basis), decltype(reducedMat)>>> fes;
for (auto &element : elements(gridView))
fes.emplace_back(*basis, element, reducedMat, &neumannBoundary, neumannBoundaryLoad, volumeLoad);
and neumannBoundaryLoad
are used to obtain the external volume and surface loads acting on a particular position.
We use a Saint Venant–Kirchhoff material model, which we transform to a plane stress material law for our two-dimensional simulation.
The line \(y=0\) is clamped by applying the Dirichlet boundary condition expressed below:
auto basisP = std::make_shared<const decltype(basis)>(basis);
Ikarus::DirichletValues dirichletValues(basisP->flat());
dirichletValues.fixBoundaryDOFs([&](auto &dirichletFlags, auto &&localIndex, auto &&localView, auto &&intersection) {
if (std::abs(intersection.geometry().center()[1]) < 1e-8) dirichletFlags[localView.index(localIndex)] = true;
This is then used to create functors to get the stiffness matrix, residual vector, and energy value using a sparse assembler.
A non-linear operator and the linear solver used by the solverType
are defined as:
auto nonLinOp = Ikarus::NonLinearOperator(functions(energyFunction, residualFunction, KFunction), parameter(d, lambda));
auto linSolver = Ikarus::LinearSolver(Ikarus::SolverTypeTag::sd_UmfPackLU);
#if solverType == 0
auto nr = Ikarus::makeNewtonRaphson(nonLinOp.subOperator<1, 2>(), std::move(linSolver));
#if solverType == 1
auto nr = Ikarus::makeTrustRegion(nonLinOp);
nr->setup({.verbosity = 1,
.maxiter = 30,
.grad_tol = 1e-8,
.corr_tol = 1e-8,
.useRand = false,
.rho_reg = 1e6,
.Delta0 = 1});
auto nonLinearSolverObserver = std::make_shared<NonLinearSolverLogger>();
Output files are written for the deformed configuration at every load step that can be visualized using Paraview.
The load control method is executed by the following commands:
- Grid types, finite element discretizations, and solver types are independent entities that are used to solve the problem at hand and can be switched easily to compare various formulations.
- The dune-python interface can be used to read external codes written in Python.
- A geometrically non-linear elastic finite element can be used from the Ikarus library.
- The Newton-Raphson and trust regions methods can be used as non-linear solvers.
- The load control method is used here as the path-following technique.