version 0.3.7

All finite element assembler. More...

Collaboration diagram for Assembler:


class  Ikarus::FlatAssemblerBase< FEContainer_, DirichletValuesType_ >
 The FlatAssemblerBase takes care of common subtasks done by flat assemblers. More...
class  Ikarus::ScalarAssembler< FEContainer_, DirichletValuesType_ >
 ScalarAssembler assembles scalar quantities. More...
class  Ikarus::VectorFlatAssembler< FEContainer_, DirichletValuesType_ >
 VectorFlatAssembler assembles vector quantities using a flat basis Indexing strategy. More...
class  Ikarus::SparseFlatAssembler< FEContainer_, DirichletValuesType_ >
 SparseFlatAssembler assembles matrix quantities using a flat basis Indexing strategy. The matrix is stored in a sparse matrix format. This format is exploited during the assembly process. More...
class  Ikarus::DenseFlatAssembler< FEContainer_, DirichletValuesType_ >
 DenseFlatAssembler assembles matrix quantities using a flat basis Indexing strategy. The matrix is stored in a dense matrix format. This format is exploited during the assembly process. More...

Detailed Description