Non-linear Elasticity for 2D solids¶
In iks006_nonlinear2DSolid.cpp
, an automatic differentiation-based implementation is used to perform a non-linear analysis on a 2D block.
Various methods to obtain a 2D grid via Dune are also shown in the commented section at
the beginning. Python is used to provide a Neumann boundary condition, providing a demonstration for the usage of
Python-based code within the Ikarus framework. The load control method is chosen as the desired control routine, and
Newton-Raphson (or trust region methods) are used to solve the non-linear problem itself.
Code highlights¶
This example uses two macros, gridType
and solverType
, that are to be set as desired before executing the example.
The gridType
can be set to 0, 1, or 2, denoting an ALUGrid
, a YaspGrid
, and a NURBSGrid
The solverType
can be set to either 0 or 1 for Newton-Raphson
and Trust region
methods respectively.
When ALUGrid
is chosen, the mesh file auxiliaryFiles/unstructuredTrianglesfine.msh
is read using Dune::GmshReader
and is then globally refined once. The YaspGrid
created a square block of length 1 with 10 elements in either direction.
also creates a square block of length 1 with a polynomial degree of 2 in both directions.
The block is subjected to a Neumann load on the right edge (\(x=1\)) that is incorporated using the dune-python interface as shown below:
Dune::BitSetVector<1> neumannVertices(gridView.size(2), false);
std::string lambdaNeumannVertices = std::string("lambda x: ( x[0]>0.999 )");
Python::Reference main = Python::import("__main__");
Python::run("import math");
Python::runStream() << std::endl << "import sys" << std::endl << "import os" << std::endl;
auto pythonNeumannVertices = Python::make_function<bool>(Python::evaluate(lambdaNeumannVertices));
for (auto &&vertex : vertices(gridView)) {
bool isNeumann = pythonNeumannVertices(vertex.geometry().corner(0));
neumannVertices[indexSet.index(vertex)] = isNeumann;
BoundaryPatch<decltype(gridView)> neumannBoundary(gridView, neumannVertices);
After the basis is defined, the non-linear elastic finite element is created as shown below:
auto volumeLoad = [](auto &globalCoord, auto &lamb) {
Eigen::Vector2d fext;
return fext;
auto neumannBoundaryLoad = [](auto &globalCoord, auto &lamb) {
Eigen::Vector2d fext;
fext[1] = lamb / 40;
return fext;
auto matParameter = Ikarus::toLamesFirstParameterAndShearModulus({.emodul = 1000, .nu = 0.3});
Ikarus::StVenantKirchhoff matSVK(matParameter);
auto reducedMat = planeStress(matSVK);
std::vector<Ikarus::NonLinearElastic<decltype(basis), decltype(reducedMat)>>> fes;
for (auto &element : elements(gridView))
fes.emplace_back(*basis, element, reducedMat, &neumannBoundary, neumannBoundaryLoad, volumeLoad);
The functors volumeLoad
and neumannBoundaryLoad
are used to obtain the external volume and surface loads acting on a particular
We use a Saint Venant–Kirchhoff material model, which we transform to a plane stress material law for our two-dimensional simulation.
The line \(y=0\) is clamped by applying the Dirichlet boundary condition expressed below:
auto basisP = std::make_shared<const decltype(basis)>(basis);
Ikarus::DirichletValues dirichletValues(basisP->flat());
dirichletValues.fixBoundaryDOFs([&](auto &dirichletFlags, auto &&localIndex, auto &&localView, auto &&intersection) {
if (std::abs(intersection.geometry().center()[1]) < 1e-8) dirichletFlags[localView.index(localIndex)] = true;
The finite element requirements are defined by using the affordance Ikarus::AffordanceCollections::elastoStatics
This is then used to create functors to get the stiffness matrix, residual vector, and energy value using a sparse assembler.
A non-linear operator and the linear solver used by the solverType
are defined as:
auto nonLinOp = Ikarus::NonLinearOperator(functions(energyFunction, residualFunction, KFunction), parameter(d, lambda));
auto linSolver = Ikarus::LinearSolver(Ikarus::SolverTypeTag::sd_UmfPackLU);
An object for the Newton-Raphson method or the trust region method can then be defined as
#if solverType == 0
auto nr = Ikarus::makeNewtonRaphson(nonLinOp.subOperator<1, 2>(), std::move(linSolver));
#if solverType == 1
auto nr = Ikarus::makeTrustRegion(nonLinOp);
nr->setup({.verbosity = 1,
.maxiter = 30,
.grad_tol = 1e-8,
.corr_tol = 1e-8,
.useRand = false,
.rho_reg = 1e6,
.Delta0 = 1});
All the available output messages are subscribed to be displayed by using the following commands:
auto nonLinearSolverObserver = std::make_shared<NonLinearSolverLogger>();
The load control method is finally used as the path-following technique to solve this
non-linear problem.
It also subscribes to all the available information being written to the vtkWriter
Output files are written for the deformed configuration at every load step that can be visualized using Paraview.
The load control method is executed by the following commands:
For postprocessing purposes we now write our results in a different VTK File. First we take a look at the stresses, in this case
the second Piola-Kirchhoff stress tensor. This quantity can be computed with the elements' calculateAt()
But here we will be using a so-called ResultFunction
. This is a helper function that gathers the results over the
whole grid and can be used to generate data for a VTKWriter
. To create this function, we can use the following helper
To add this as vertex data to the VTK file we can do the following:
As this functionality only writes out the results of the calculateAt()
function as is, we can use ResultEvaluators
to further process our results. For example, we can use ResultEvaluators::VonMises
to compute the Von Mises stress:
auto vonMisesFunction
= Ikarus::makeResultFunction<ResultType::PK2Stress, ResultEvaluators::VonMises>(&fes, req);
- Grid types, finite element discretizations, and solver types are independent entities that are used to solve the problem at hand and can be switched easily to compare various formulations.
- The dune-python interface can be used to read external codes written in Python.
- A geometrically non-linear elastic finite element can be used from the Ikarus library.
- The Newton-Raphson and trust regions methods can be used as non-linear solvers.
- The load control method is used here as the path-following technique.
- Stress results can be written to a VTK file with a