version 0.4
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Here is a list of all concepts with brief descriptions:
[detail level 123]
 RFlatInterLeavedBasisConcept to check if a basis uses FlatInterleaved indexing strategy
 RLagrangeNodeConcept to check if a node in a basis tree is a Lagrangian node
 RFlatLexicographicBasisConcept to check if a basis uses FlatLexicographic indexing strategy
 RFlatIndexBasisConcept to check if a basis uses FlatIndex indexing strategy
 RBlockedInterLeavedBasisConcept to check if a basis uses BlockedInterleaved indexing strategy
 RBlockedLexicographicBasisConcept to check if a basis uses BlockedLexicographic indexing strategy
 RDuneLocalBasisConcept to check if a local basis is a duneLocalBasis
 RBlockedIndexBasisConcept to check if a basis uses either BlockedLexicographic or BlockedInterleaved indexing strategy
 RPowerBasisConcept to check if a basis uses power indexing strategy
 RPathFollowingStrategyConcept defining the requirements for a path-following strategy
 RAdaptiveStepSizingStrategyConcept to check if a type implements all the needed functions to be an adaptive step sizing method
 RLinearSolverCheckConcept to check if a linear solver implements all the needed functions for given vector and matrix types
 RNonLinearSolverCheckForPathFollowingConcept to check if a non-linear solver with its non-linear operator satisfies requirements for path following
 RMultiplyAbleConcept defining the requirements for types that support multiplication
 RAddAbleConcept defining the requirements for types that support addition
 RSubstractAbleConcept defining the requirements for types that support subtraction
 RMultiplyAssignAbleConcept defining the requirements for types that support in-place multiplication
 RDivideAssignAbleConcept defining the requirements for types that support in-place division
 RAddAssignAbleConcept defining the requirements for types that support in-place addition
 RSubstractAssignAbleConcept defining the requirements for types that support in-place subtraction
 RDivideAbleConcept defining the requirements for types that support division
 RNegateAbleConcept defining the requirements for types that support negation
 RTransposeAbleConcept defining the requirements for types that support transposition
 RIsFunctorWithArgsConcept defining the requirements for functors with arguments
 REigenVectorConcept defining the requirements for Eigen vectors
 RIsMaterialConcept defining the requirements for a material type
 RPointerConcept to check if a type is a pointer or nullptr_t
 RFEAffordanceConcept to check if a given type is one of the predefined affordance enums or the AffordanceCollectionImpl
 RCorrectStrainSizeTemplate concept for ensuring correct strain size
 RMaterialParameterTupleConcept for checking if a type is a valid material parameter tuple