version 0.4.1

Materials for mechanical simulations. More...

Collaboration diagram for Materials:


 Material Tags
 All tags related to strain or stress types.


file  autodiffmat.hh
 Implementation of the AutoDiff-based material model.
file  finiteelements/mechanics/materials/hyperelastic/concepts.hh
 Header file including concepts for hyperelastic material models.
file  finiteelements/mechanics/materials/hyperelastic/deviatoric/interface.hh
 Implementation of the interface for the deviatoric part of a hyperelastic material.
file  ogden.hh
 Implementation of the Ogden material model.
file  factory.hh
 Header file for containing helper functions to construct various hyperelastic material models.
file  finiteelements/mechanics/materials/hyperelastic/interface.hh
 Implementation of the Hyperelastic material model.
file  neohooke.hh
 Implementation of the NeoHooke material model.
file  finiteelements/mechanics/materials/hyperelastic/volumetric/interface.hh
 Implementation of the volumetric part of a hyperelastic material.
file  volumetricfunctions.hh
 Implementation of the volumetric part of a hyperelastic material.
file  finiteelements/mechanics/materials/interface.hh
 Contains the Material interface class and related template functions for material properties.
file  linearelasticity.hh
 Contains the LinearElasticityT class implementation.
file  materialhelpers.hh
 helper functions used by material model implementations.
file  strainconversions.hh
 Implementation of strain-related functions.
file  svk.hh
 Implementation of the Saint Venant-Kirchhoff material model.
file  vanishingstrain.hh
 Defines the VanishingStrain material model and related functions.
file  vanishingstress.hh
 Defines the VanishingStress material model and related functions.


struct  Ikarus::Materials::Deviatoric< DF >
 This is the interface implementation for the deviatoric part of a hyperelastic material. It is intended to be used with the hyperelastic material model. More...
struct  Ikarus::Materials::OgdenT< ST_, n, tag >
 Implementation of the Ogden material model. More...
struct  Ikarus::Materials::Hyperelastic< DEV, VOL >
 Implementation of a general Hyperelastic Material material model. More...
struct  Ikarus::Materials::NeoHookeT< ST >
 Implementation of the Neo-Hookean material model.The energy is computed as. More...
struct  Ikarus::Materials::Volumetric< VF >
 Interface for the volumetric part of a hyperelastic material. Has to be parametrized with a volumetric function. More...
struct  Ikarus::Materials::VF0
 Default volumetric function. More...
struct  Ikarus::Materials::VF1
 Volumetric function No. 1 found in [5] Tab. 4. More...
struct  Ikarus::Materials::VF2
 Volumetric function No. 2 found in [5] Tab. 4. More...
struct  Ikarus::Materials::VF3
 Volumetric function No. 3 found in [5] Tab. 4. More...
struct  Ikarus::Materials::VF4
 Volumetric function No. 4 found in [5] Tab. 4. More...
struct  Ikarus::Materials::VF5
 Volumetric function No. 5 found in [5] Tab. 4. More...
struct  Ikarus::Materials::VF6
 Volumetric function No. 6 found in [5] Tab. 4. More...
struct  Ikarus::Materials::VF7
 Volumetric function No. 7 found in [5] Tab. 4. More...
struct  Ikarus::Materials::VF8
 Volumetric function No. 8 found in [5] Tab. 4. More...
struct  Ikarus::Materials::VF9
 Volumetric function No. 9 found in [5] Tab. 4. More...
struct  Ikarus::Materials::VF10
 Volumetric function No. 10 found in [5] Tab. 4. More...
struct  Ikarus::Materials::VF11
 Volumetric function No. 11 found in [5] Tab. 4. More...
struct  Ikarus::Materials::Material< MI >
 Interface classf or materials. More...
struct  Ikarus::Materials::LinearElasticityT< ST >
 Implementation of the Linear Elasticity material model.The energy is computed as. More...
struct  Ikarus::Materials::StVenantKirchhoffT< ST >
 Implementation of the Saint Venant-Kirchhoff material model.The energy is computed as. More...
struct  Ikarus::Materials::VanishingStrain< strainIndexPair, MI >
 VanishingStrain material model that enforces strain components to be zero. More...
struct  Ikarus::Materials::VanishingStress< stressIndexPair, MI >
 VanishingStress material model that enforces stress components to be zero. More...


template<StrainTags tag, typename Derived >
auto Ikarus::createGreenLagrangianStrains (const Eigen::MatrixBase< Derived > &eMB)
 Create Green-Lagrangian strain based on the input. More...
template<StrainTags tag, typename Derived >
decltype(auto) Ikarus::createDeformationGradient (const Eigen::MatrixBase< Derived > &eMB)
 Create the deformation gradient based on the input. More...
template<StrainTags tag, typename Derived >
decltype(auto) Ikarus::createRightCauchyGreen (const Eigen::MatrixBase< Derived > &eMB)
 Create right Cauchy-Green tensor based on the input. More...
template<StrainTags from, StrainTags to, typename Derived >
decltype(auto) Ikarus::transformStrain (const Eigen::MatrixBase< Derived > &eRaw)
 Transform strain from one type to another. More...
void addMaterialsSubModule (pybind11::module &m)

Detailed Description

Function Documentation

◆ addMaterialsSubModule()

void addMaterialsSubModule ( pybind11::module &  m)

Transform strain from one type to another.

This function transforms one strain component matrix from one type to another, based on the provided strain tags

fromType of the source strain tag.
toType of the target strain tag.
EEigen matrix representing the input strain (can be in Voigt notation).
The transformed strain matrix.
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ createDeformationGradient()

template<StrainTags tag, typename Derived >
decltype(auto) Ikarus::createDeformationGradient ( const Eigen::MatrixBase< Derived > &  eMB)

This function creates deformation gradient based on the input strain matrix. What to do is decided by the provided strain tag

Template Parameters
tagType of the strain tag.
DerivedType of the Eigen matrix.
eMBEigen matrix representing the input strain.
The deformation gradient matrix.

◆ createGreenLagrangianStrains()

template<StrainTags tag, typename Derived >
auto Ikarus::createGreenLagrangianStrains ( const Eigen::MatrixBase< Derived > &  eMB)

This function creates Green-Lagrangian strains based on the input strain matrix. What to do is decided by the provided strain tag

Template Parameters
tagType of the strain tag.
DerivedType of the Eigen matrix.
eMBEigen matrix representing the input strain.
The Green-Lagrangian strains matrix.

◆ createRightCauchyGreen()

template<StrainTags tag, typename Derived >
decltype(auto) Ikarus::createRightCauchyGreen ( const Eigen::MatrixBase< Derived > &  eMB)

This function creates Right Cauchy-Green tensor based on the input strain matrix. What to do is decided by the provided strain tag

Template Parameters
tagType of the strain tag.
DerivedType of the Eigen matrix.
eMBEigen matrix representing the input strain.
The Right Cauchy-Green tensor matrix.

◆ transformStrain()

template<StrainTags from, StrainTags to, typename Derived >
decltype(auto) Ikarus::transformStrain ( const Eigen::MatrixBase< Derived > &  eRaw)

This function transforms one strain component matrix from one type to another, based on the provided strain tags

Template Parameters
fromType of the source strain tag.
toType of the target strain tag.
DerivedType of the Eigen matrix.
eRawEigen matrix representing the input strain (can be in Voigt notation).
The transformed strain matrix.