version 0.4.1
Ikarus::Concepts Namespace Reference


concept  DeviatoricFunction
 Concept to check if the underlying function is a deviatoric function.
concept  VolumetricFunction
 Concept to check if the underlying function is a volumetric function.
concept  FlatInterLeavedBasis
 Concept to check if a basis uses FlatInterleaved indexing strategy.
concept  LagrangeNode
 Concept to check if a node in a basis tree is a Lagrangian node.
concept  LagrangeNodeOfOrder
concept  FlatLexicographicBasis
 Concept to check if a basis uses FlatLexicographic indexing strategy.
concept  FlatIndexBasis
 Concept to check if a basis uses FlatIndex indexing strategy.
concept  BlockedInterLeavedBasis
 Concept to check if a basis uses BlockedInterleaved indexing strategy.
concept  BlockedLexicographicBasis
 Concept to check if a basis uses BlockedLexicographic indexing strategy.
concept  DuneLocalBasis
 Concept to check if a local basis is a duneLocalBasis.
concept  BlockedIndexBasis
 Concept to check if a basis uses either BlockedLexicographic or BlockedInterleaved indexing strategy.
concept  PathFollowingStrategy
 Concept defining the requirements for a path-following strategy.
concept  AdaptiveStepSizingStrategy
 Concept to check if a type implements all the needed functions to be an adaptive step sizing method.
concept  LinearSolverCheck
 Concept to check if a linear solver implements all the needed functions for given vector and matrix types.
concept  NonLinearSolverCheckForPathFollowing
 Concept to check if a non-linear solver with its non-linear operator satisfies requirements for path following.
concept  MultiplyAble
 Concept defining the requirements for types that support multiplication.
concept  AddAble
 Concept defining the requirements for types that support addition.
concept  SubstractAble
 Concept defining the requirements for types that support subtraction.
concept  MultiplyAssignAble
 Concept defining the requirements for types that support in-place multiplication.
concept  DivideAssignAble
 Concept defining the requirements for types that support in-place division.
concept  AddAssignAble
 Concept defining the requirements for types that support in-place addition.
concept  SubstractAssignAble
 Concept defining the requirements for types that support in-place subtraction.
concept  DivideAble
 Concept defining the requirements for types that support division.
concept  NegateAble
 Concept defining the requirements for types that support negation.
concept  TransposeAble
 Concept defining the requirements for types that support transposition.
concept  IsFunctorWithArgs
 Concept defining the requirements for functors with arguments.
concept  EigenVector
 Concept defining the requirements for Eigen vectors.
concept  EigenMatrix
 Concept defining the requirements for Eigen matrices. This also includes Eigen vectors.
concept  IsMaterial
 Concept defining the requirements for a material type.
concept  GeometricallyLinearMaterial
 Concepts defining the requirements for a material to be geometrically linear This is the case when the corresponding strainTag is linear.
concept  ResultType
 A concept to check if a template type satisfies the ResultType requirements.
concept  FlatAssembler
 Concept representing the requirements for a FlatAssembler.A type T satisfies FlatAssembler if it provides the necessary member functions and data types for assembling sparse matrices in a flat structure.
concept  ScalarFlatAssembler
 Concept representing the requirements for a ScalarFlatAssembler.A type T satisfies ScalarFlatAssembler if it is a FlatAssembler and if it provides the necessary scalar() member functions.
concept  VectorFlatAssembler
 Concept representing the requirements for a VectorFlatAssembler.A type T satisfies VectorFlatAssembler if it is a ScalarFlatAssembler and if it provides the necessary vector() member functions.
concept  MatrixFlatAssembler
 Concept representing the requirements for a MatrixFlatAssembler.A type T satisfies MatrixFlatAssembler if it is a VectorFlatAssembler and if it provides the necessary matrix() member functions.
concept  DataCollector
concept  GridView
concept  AutodiffScalar
 Concept to check if the underlying scalar type is a dual type.