version 0.4.1
Ikarus::Materials::VF2 Struct Reference

Volumetric function No. 2 found in [5] Tab. 4. More...

#include <ikarus/finiteelements/mechanics/materials/hyperelastic/volumetric/volumetricfunctions.hh>

Public Member Functions

template<typename ST >
ST storedEnergyImpl (const ST &J) const
template<typename ST >
ST firstDerivativeImpl (const ST &J) const
template<typename ST >
ST secondDerivativeImpl (const ST &J) const

Static Public Member Functions

static constexpr std::string name () noexcept

Detailed Description

\[ U(J) = \frac{1}{4}((J - 1)^2 + (\ln J )^2) \]


Member Function Documentation

◆ firstDerivativeImpl()

template<typename ST >
ST Ikarus::Materials::VF2::firstDerivativeImpl ( const ST &  J) const

◆ name()

static constexpr std::string Ikarus::Materials::VF2::name ( )

◆ secondDerivativeImpl()

template<typename ST >
ST Ikarus::Materials::VF2::secondDerivativeImpl ( const ST &  J) const

◆ storedEnergyImpl()

template<typename ST >
ST Ikarus::Materials::VF2::storedEnergyImpl ( const ST &  J) const

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