version 0.4.1
deviatoric Directory Reference
Directory dependency graph for deviatoric:


file  arrudaboyce.hh [code]
 Implementation of the ArrudaBoyce material model.
file  blatzko.hh [code]
 Implementation of the BlatzKo material model.
file  deviatoricinvariants.hh [code]
 Implementation of the computation of the deviatoric invariants and its derivatives.
file  gent.hh [code]
 Implementation of the Gent material model.
file  finiteelements/mechanics/materials/hyperelastic/deviatoric/interface.hh [code]
 Implementation of the interface for the deviatoric part of a hyperelastic material.
file  invariantbased.hh [code]
 Implementation of the InvariantBased material model.
file  ogden.hh [code]
 Implementation of the Ogden material model.