version 0.3.7
Ikarus::KirchhoffLoveShell< Basis_, FERequirements_, useEigenRef > Class Template Reference

Kirchhoff-Love shell finite element class. More...

#include <ikarus/finiteelements/mechanics/kirchhoffloveshell.hh>

Inheritance diagram for Ikarus::KirchhoffLoveShell< Basis_, FERequirements_, useEigenRef >:


struct  KinematicVariables
 A structure representing kinematic variables. More...

Public Types

using Basis = Basis_
using FlatBasis = typename Basis::FlatBasis
using BasePowerFE = PowerBasisFE< FlatBasis >
using FERequirementType = FERequirements_
using ResultRequirementsType = ResultRequirements< FERequirementType >
using LocalView = typename FlatBasis::LocalView
using Element = typename LocalView::Element
using Geometry = typename Element::Geometry
using GridView = typename FlatBasis::GridView
using Traits = TraitsFromLocalView< LocalView, useEigenRef >
using LocalBasisType = decltype(std::declval< LocalView >().tree().child(0).finiteElement().localBasis())
using RootBasis = Basis_::FlatBasis
 Type of the root basis. More...
using GlobalIndex = typename LocalView::MultiIndex
 Type of the global index. More...
using GridElement = typename LocalView::Element
 Type of the grid element. More...

Public Member Functions

template<typename VolumeLoad = utils::LoadDefault, typename NeumannBoundaryLoad = utils::LoadDefault>
 KirchhoffLoveShell (const Basis &globalBasis, const typename LocalView::Element &element, double emod, double nu, double thickness, VolumeLoad p_volumeLoad={}, const BoundaryPatch< GridView > *p_neumannBoundary=nullptr, NeumannBoundaryLoad p_neumannBoundaryLoad={})
 Constructor for the KirchhoffLoveShell class. More...
template<typename ScalarType = double>
auto displacementFunction (const FERequirementType &par, const std::optional< const Eigen::VectorX< ScalarType > > &dx=std::nullopt) const
 Get the displacement function and nodal displacements. More...
double calculateScalar (const FERequirementType &req) const
 Calculate the scalar value. More...
void calculateVector (const FERequirementType &req, typename Traits::template VectorType<> force) const
 Calculate the vector associated with the given FERequirementType. More...
void calculateMatrix (const FERequirementType &req, typename Traits::template MatrixType<> K) const
 Calculate the matrix associated with the given FERequirementType. More...
void calculateAt (const ResultRequirementsType &req, const Dune::FieldVector< double, Traits::mydim > &local, ResultTypeMap< double > &result) const
 Calculate results at local coordinates. More...
constexpr size_t size () const
 Get the size of the local view. More...
void globalFlatIndices (std::vector< GlobalIndex > &globalIndices) const
 Get the global flat indices for the power basis. More...
const GridElementgridElement () const
 Get the grid element associated with the local view. More...
const LocalViewlocalView () const
 Get the const reference to the local view. More...
LocalViewlocalView ()
 Get the reference to the local view. More...

Public Attributes

std::shared_ptr< const Geometrygeo_
Dune::CachedLocalBasis< std::remove_cvref_t< LocalBasisType > > localBasis
std::function< Eigen::Vector< double, worldDim >(const Dune::FieldVector< double, worldDim > &, const double &)> volumeLoad
std::function< Eigen::Vector< double, worldDim >(const Dune::FieldVector< double, worldDim > &, const double &)> neumannBoundaryLoad
const BoundaryPatch< GridView > * neumannBoundary
DefaultMembraneStrain membraneStrain
double emod_
double nu_
double thickness_
size_t numberOfNodes {0}
int order {}

Static Public Attributes

static constexpr int myDim = Traits::mydim
static constexpr int worldDim = Traits::worlddim
static constexpr int membraneStrainSize = 3
static constexpr int bendingStrainSize = 3
static constexpr int num_children
 Number of children in the powerBasis. More...

Protected Member Functions

auto computeMaterialAndStrains (const Dune::FieldVector< double, 2 > &gpPos, int gpIndex, const Geometry &geo, const auto &uFunction) const
 Compute material properties and strains at a given integration point. More...
template<typename ScalarType >
void calculateMatrixImpl (const FERequirementType &par, typename Traits::template MatrixType< ScalarType > K, const std::optional< const Eigen::VectorX< ScalarType > > &dx=std::nullopt) const
template<typename ScalarType >
void calculateVectorImpl (const FERequirementType &par, typename Traits::template VectorType< ScalarType > force, const std::optional< const Eigen::VectorX< ScalarType > > &dx=std::nullopt) const
template<typename ScalarType >
auto calculateScalarImpl (const FERequirementType &par, const std::optional< const Eigen::VectorX< ScalarType > > &dx=std::nullopt) const -> ScalarType
template<typename ScalarType >
Eigen::Matrix< ScalarType, 3, 3 > kgBending (const Eigen::Matrix< ScalarType, 2, 3 > &jcur, const Eigen::Matrix3< ScalarType > &h, const auto &dN, const auto &ddN, const Eigen::Vector3< ScalarType > &a3N, const Eigen::Vector3< ScalarType > &a3, const Eigen::Vector3< ScalarType > &S, int I, int J) const
template<typename ScalarType >
Eigen::Matrix< ScalarType, 3, 3 > bopBending (const Eigen::Matrix< ScalarType, 2, 3 > &jcur, const Eigen::Matrix3< ScalarType > &h, const auto &dN, const auto &ddN, const int node, const Eigen::Vector3< ScalarType > &a3N, const Eigen::Vector3< ScalarType > &a3) const
Eigen::Matrix< double, 3, 3 > materialTangent (const Eigen::Matrix< double, 3, 3 > &Aconv) const

Detailed Description

template<typename Basis_, typename FERequirements_ = FERequirements<>, bool useEigenRef = false>
class Ikarus::KirchhoffLoveShell< Basis_, FERequirements_, useEigenRef >

This class represents Kirchhoff-Love shell finite elements.

Template Parameters
Basis_The basis type for the finite element.
FERequirements_The type representing the requirements for finite element calculations.
useEigenRefA boolean indicating whether to use Eigen references for efficiency.

Member Typedef Documentation

◆ BasePowerFE

template<typename Basis_ , typename FERequirements_ = FERequirements<>, bool useEigenRef = false>
using Ikarus::KirchhoffLoveShell< Basis_, FERequirements_, useEigenRef >::BasePowerFE = PowerBasisFE<FlatBasis>

◆ Basis

template<typename Basis_ , typename FERequirements_ = FERequirements<>, bool useEigenRef = false>
using Ikarus::KirchhoffLoveShell< Basis_, FERequirements_, useEigenRef >::Basis = Basis_

◆ Element

template<typename Basis_ , typename FERequirements_ = FERequirements<>, bool useEigenRef = false>
using Ikarus::KirchhoffLoveShell< Basis_, FERequirements_, useEigenRef >::Element = typename LocalView::Element

◆ FERequirementType

template<typename Basis_ , typename FERequirements_ = FERequirements<>, bool useEigenRef = false>
using Ikarus::KirchhoffLoveShell< Basis_, FERequirements_, useEigenRef >::FERequirementType = FERequirements_

◆ FlatBasis

template<typename Basis_ , typename FERequirements_ = FERequirements<>, bool useEigenRef = false>
using Ikarus::KirchhoffLoveShell< Basis_, FERequirements_, useEigenRef >::FlatBasis = typename Basis::FlatBasis

◆ Geometry

template<typename Basis_ , typename FERequirements_ = FERequirements<>, bool useEigenRef = false>
using Ikarus::KirchhoffLoveShell< Basis_, FERequirements_, useEigenRef >::Geometry = typename Element::Geometry

◆ GlobalIndex

using Ikarus::PowerBasisFE< Basis_::FlatBasis >::GlobalIndex = typename LocalView::MultiIndex

◆ GridElement

using Ikarus::PowerBasisFE< Basis_::FlatBasis >::GridElement = typename LocalView::Element

◆ GridView

template<typename Basis_ , typename FERequirements_ = FERequirements<>, bool useEigenRef = false>
using Ikarus::KirchhoffLoveShell< Basis_, FERequirements_, useEigenRef >::GridView = typename FlatBasis::GridView

◆ LocalBasisType

template<typename Basis_ , typename FERequirements_ = FERequirements<>, bool useEigenRef = false>
using Ikarus::KirchhoffLoveShell< Basis_, FERequirements_, useEigenRef >::LocalBasisType = decltype(std::declval<LocalView>().tree().child(0).finiteElement().localBasis())

◆ LocalView

template<typename Basis_ , typename FERequirements_ = FERequirements<>, bool useEigenRef = false>
using Ikarus::KirchhoffLoveShell< Basis_, FERequirements_, useEigenRef >::LocalView = typename FlatBasis::LocalView

◆ ResultRequirementsType

template<typename Basis_ , typename FERequirements_ = FERequirements<>, bool useEigenRef = false>
using Ikarus::KirchhoffLoveShell< Basis_, FERequirements_, useEigenRef >::ResultRequirementsType = ResultRequirements<FERequirementType>

◆ RootBasis

using Ikarus::PowerBasisFE< Basis_::FlatBasis >::RootBasis = Basis_::FlatBasis

◆ Traits

template<typename Basis_ , typename FERequirements_ = FERequirements<>, bool useEigenRef = false>
using Ikarus::KirchhoffLoveShell< Basis_, FERequirements_, useEigenRef >::Traits = TraitsFromLocalView<LocalView, useEigenRef>

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

◆ KirchhoffLoveShell()

template<typename Basis_ , typename FERequirements_ = FERequirements<>, bool useEigenRef = false>
template<typename VolumeLoad = utils::LoadDefault, typename NeumannBoundaryLoad = utils::LoadDefault>
Ikarus::KirchhoffLoveShell< Basis_, FERequirements_, useEigenRef >::KirchhoffLoveShell ( const Basis globalBasis,
const typename LocalView::Element &  element,
double  emod,
double  nu,
double  thickness,
VolumeLoad  p_volumeLoad = {},
const BoundaryPatch< GridView > *  p_neumannBoundary = nullptr,
NeumannBoundaryLoad  p_neumannBoundaryLoad = {} 

Initializes the KirchhoffLoveShell instance with the given parameters.

Template Parameters
VolumeLoadThe type representing the volume load function.
NeumannBoundaryLoadThe type representing the Neumann boundary load function.
globalBasisThe global basis for the finite element.
elementThe local element to bind.
emodYoung's modulus of the material.
nuPoisson's ratio of the material.
thicknessThickness of the shell.
p_volumeLoadThe volume load function (optional, default is utils::LoadDefault).
p_neumannBoundaryThe Neumann boundary patch (optional, default is nullptr).
p_neumannBoundaryLoadThe Neumann boundary load function (optional, default is LoadDefault).

Member Function Documentation

◆ bopBending()

template<typename Basis_ , typename FERequirements_ = FERequirements<>, bool useEigenRef = false>
template<typename ScalarType >
Eigen::Matrix< ScalarType, 3, 3 > Ikarus::KirchhoffLoveShell< Basis_, FERequirements_, useEigenRef >::bopBending ( const Eigen::Matrix< ScalarType, 2, 3 > &  jcur,
const Eigen::Matrix3< ScalarType > &  h,
const auto &  dN,
const auto &  ddN,
const int  node,
const Eigen::Vector3< ScalarType > &  a3N,
const Eigen::Vector3< ScalarType > &  a3 
) const
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ calculateAt()

template<typename Basis_ , typename FERequirements_ = FERequirements<>, bool useEigenRef = false>
void Ikarus::KirchhoffLoveShell< Basis_, FERequirements_, useEigenRef >::calculateAt ( const ResultRequirementsType req,
const Dune::FieldVector< double, Traits::mydim > &  local,
ResultTypeMap< double > &  result 
) const

Calculates the results at the specified local coordinates based on the given requirements and stores them in the result container.

reqThe result requirements.
localThe local coordinates at which results are to be calculated.
resultThe result container to store the calculated values.

◆ calculateMatrix()

template<typename Basis_ , typename FERequirements_ = FERequirements<>, bool useEigenRef = false>
void Ikarus::KirchhoffLoveShell< Basis_, FERequirements_, useEigenRef >::calculateMatrix ( const FERequirementType req,
typename Traits::template MatrixType<>  K 
) const
Template Parameters
ScalarTypeThe scalar type for the calculation.
reqThe FERequirementType object specifying the requirements for the calculation.
KThe matrix to store the calculated result.

◆ calculateMatrixImpl()

template<typename Basis_ , typename FERequirements_ = FERequirements<>, bool useEigenRef = false>
template<typename ScalarType >
void Ikarus::KirchhoffLoveShell< Basis_, FERequirements_, useEigenRef >::calculateMatrixImpl ( const FERequirementType par,
typename Traits::template MatrixType< ScalarType >  K,
const std::optional< const Eigen::VectorX< ScalarType > > &  dx = std::nullopt 
) const

◆ calculateScalar()

template<typename Basis_ , typename FERequirements_ = FERequirements<>, bool useEigenRef = false>
double Ikarus::KirchhoffLoveShell< Basis_, FERequirements_, useEigenRef >::calculateScalar ( const FERequirementType req) const

Calculates the scalar value based on the given FERequirements.

reqThe FERequirements.
The calculated scalar value.

◆ calculateScalarImpl()

template<typename Basis_ , typename FERequirements_ = FERequirements<>, bool useEigenRef = false>
template<typename ScalarType >
auto Ikarus::KirchhoffLoveShell< Basis_, FERequirements_, useEigenRef >::calculateScalarImpl ( const FERequirementType par,
const std::optional< const Eigen::VectorX< ScalarType > > &  dx = std::nullopt 
) const -> ScalarType

◆ calculateVector()

template<typename Basis_ , typename FERequirements_ = FERequirements<>, bool useEigenRef = false>
void Ikarus::KirchhoffLoveShell< Basis_, FERequirements_, useEigenRef >::calculateVector ( const FERequirementType req,
typename Traits::template VectorType<>  force 
) const
Template Parameters
ScalarTypeThe scalar type for the calculation.
reqThe FERequirementType object specifying the requirements for the calculation.
forceThe vector to store the calculated result.

◆ calculateVectorImpl()

template<typename Basis_ , typename FERequirements_ = FERequirements<>, bool useEigenRef = false>
template<typename ScalarType >
void Ikarus::KirchhoffLoveShell< Basis_, FERequirements_, useEigenRef >::calculateVectorImpl ( const FERequirementType par,
typename Traits::template VectorType< ScalarType >  force,
const std::optional< const Eigen::VectorX< ScalarType > > &  dx = std::nullopt 
) const

◆ computeMaterialAndStrains()

template<typename Basis_ , typename FERequirements_ = FERequirements<>, bool useEigenRef = false>
auto Ikarus::KirchhoffLoveShell< Basis_, FERequirements_, useEigenRef >::computeMaterialAndStrains ( const Dune::FieldVector< double, 2 > &  gpPos,
int  gpIndex,
const Geometry geo,
const auto &  uFunction 
) const
gpPosThe position of the integration point.
gpIndexThe index of the integration point.
geoThe geometry object providing position and derivatives.
uFunctionThe function representing the displacement field.
Template Parameters
gpPosThe type of the integration point position.
gpIndexThe type of the integration point index.
geoThe type of the geometry object.
uFunctionThe type of the displacement field function.
A tuple containing the material tangent, membrane strain, bending, Jacobian matrix of the reference position, Jacobian matrix of the current position, Hessian matrix of the current position, Hessian matrix of the reference position, normal vector, and normalized normal vector at the given integration point.
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ displacementFunction()

template<typename Basis_ , typename FERequirements_ = FERequirements<>, bool useEigenRef = false>
template<typename ScalarType = double>
auto Ikarus::KirchhoffLoveShell< Basis_, FERequirements_, useEigenRef >::displacementFunction ( const FERequirementType par,
const std::optional< const Eigen::VectorX< ScalarType > > &  dx = std::nullopt 
) const

Retrieves the displacement function and nodal displacements based on the given FERequirements.

Template Parameters
ScalarTypeThe scalar type used for calculations.
parThe FERequirements.
dxOptional additional displacement vector.
The displacement function.
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ globalFlatIndices()

void Ikarus::PowerBasisFE< Basis_::FlatBasis >::globalFlatIndices ( std::vector< GlobalIndex > &  globalIndices) const

The global indices are collected in a FlatInterLeaved order. I.e. x_0, y_0, z_0, ..., x_n, y_n, z_n

globalIndicesOutput vector to store global indices.

◆ gridElement()

const GridElement & Ikarus::PowerBasisFE< Basis_::FlatBasis >::gridElement ( ) const
The grid element.

◆ kgBending()

template<typename Basis_ , typename FERequirements_ = FERequirements<>, bool useEigenRef = false>
template<typename ScalarType >
Eigen::Matrix< ScalarType, 3, 3 > Ikarus::KirchhoffLoveShell< Basis_, FERequirements_, useEigenRef >::kgBending ( const Eigen::Matrix< ScalarType, 2, 3 > &  jcur,
const Eigen::Matrix3< ScalarType > &  h,
const auto &  dN,
const auto &  ddN,
const Eigen::Vector3< ScalarType > &  a3N,
const Eigen::Vector3< ScalarType > &  a3,
const Eigen::Vector3< ScalarType > &  S,
int  I,
int  J 
) const
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ localView() [1/2]

LocalView & Ikarus::PowerBasisFE< Basis_::FlatBasis >::localView ( )
The reference to the local view.

◆ localView() [2/2]

const LocalView & Ikarus::PowerBasisFE< Basis_::FlatBasis >::localView ( ) const
The const reference to the local view.

◆ materialTangent()

template<typename Basis_ , typename FERequirements_ = FERequirements<>, bool useEigenRef = false>
Eigen::Matrix< double, 3, 3 > Ikarus::KirchhoffLoveShell< Basis_, FERequirements_, useEigenRef >::materialTangent ( const Eigen::Matrix< double, 3, 3 > &  Aconv) const
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ size()

constexpr size_t Ikarus::PowerBasisFE< Basis_::FlatBasis >::size ( ) const
The size of the local view.

Member Data Documentation

◆ bendingStrainSize

template<typename Basis_ , typename FERequirements_ = FERequirements<>, bool useEigenRef = false>
constexpr int Ikarus::KirchhoffLoveShell< Basis_, FERequirements_, useEigenRef >::bendingStrainSize = 3

◆ emod_

template<typename Basis_ , typename FERequirements_ = FERequirements<>, bool useEigenRef = false>
double Ikarus::KirchhoffLoveShell< Basis_, FERequirements_, useEigenRef >::emod_

◆ geo_

template<typename Basis_ , typename FERequirements_ = FERequirements<>, bool useEigenRef = false>
std::shared_ptr<const Geometry> Ikarus::KirchhoffLoveShell< Basis_, FERequirements_, useEigenRef >::geo_

◆ localBasis

template<typename Basis_ , typename FERequirements_ = FERequirements<>, bool useEigenRef = false>
Dune::CachedLocalBasis<std::remove_cvref_t<LocalBasisType> > Ikarus::KirchhoffLoveShell< Basis_, FERequirements_, useEigenRef >::localBasis

◆ membraneStrain

template<typename Basis_ , typename FERequirements_ = FERequirements<>, bool useEigenRef = false>
DefaultMembraneStrain Ikarus::KirchhoffLoveShell< Basis_, FERequirements_, useEigenRef >::membraneStrain

◆ membraneStrainSize

template<typename Basis_ , typename FERequirements_ = FERequirements<>, bool useEigenRef = false>
constexpr int Ikarus::KirchhoffLoveShell< Basis_, FERequirements_, useEigenRef >::membraneStrainSize = 3

◆ myDim

template<typename Basis_ , typename FERequirements_ = FERequirements<>, bool useEigenRef = false>
constexpr int Ikarus::KirchhoffLoveShell< Basis_, FERequirements_, useEigenRef >::myDim = Traits::mydim

◆ neumannBoundary

template<typename Basis_ , typename FERequirements_ = FERequirements<>, bool useEigenRef = false>
const BoundaryPatch<GridView>* Ikarus::KirchhoffLoveShell< Basis_, FERequirements_, useEigenRef >::neumannBoundary

◆ neumannBoundaryLoad

template<typename Basis_ , typename FERequirements_ = FERequirements<>, bool useEigenRef = false>
std::function<Eigen::Vector<double, worldDim>(const Dune::FieldVector<double, worldDim>&, const double&)> Ikarus::KirchhoffLoveShell< Basis_, FERequirements_, useEigenRef >::neumannBoundaryLoad

◆ nu_

template<typename Basis_ , typename FERequirements_ = FERequirements<>, bool useEigenRef = false>
double Ikarus::KirchhoffLoveShell< Basis_, FERequirements_, useEigenRef >::nu_

◆ num_children

constexpr int Ikarus::PowerBasisFE< Basis_::FlatBasis >::num_children

◆ numberOfNodes

template<typename Basis_ , typename FERequirements_ = FERequirements<>, bool useEigenRef = false>
size_t Ikarus::KirchhoffLoveShell< Basis_, FERequirements_, useEigenRef >::numberOfNodes {0}

◆ order

template<typename Basis_ , typename FERequirements_ = FERequirements<>, bool useEigenRef = false>
int Ikarus::KirchhoffLoveShell< Basis_, FERequirements_, useEigenRef >::order {}

◆ thickness_

template<typename Basis_ , typename FERequirements_ = FERequirements<>, bool useEigenRef = false>
double Ikarus::KirchhoffLoveShell< Basis_, FERequirements_, useEigenRef >::thickness_

◆ volumeLoad

template<typename Basis_ , typename FERequirements_ = FERequirements<>, bool useEigenRef = false>
std::function<Eigen::Vector<double, worldDim>(const Dune::FieldVector<double, worldDim>&, const double&)> Ikarus::KirchhoffLoveShell< Basis_, FERequirements_, useEigenRef >::volumeLoad

◆ worldDim

template<typename Basis_ , typename FERequirements_ = FERequirements<>, bool useEigenRef = false>
constexpr int Ikarus::KirchhoffLoveShell< Basis_, FERequirements_, useEigenRef >::worldDim = Traits::worlddim

The documentation for this class was generated from the following file: