version 0.3.7
Go to the documentation of this file.
1// SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2021-2024 The Ikarus Developers
2// SPDX-License-Identifier: LGPL-3.0-or-later
10#pragma once
13# include <dune/fufem/boundarypatch.hh>
14# include <dune/geometry/quadraturerules.hh>
15# include <dune/geometry/type.hh>
16# include <dune/localfefunctions/cachedlocalBasis/cachedlocalBasis.hh>
17# include <dune/localfefunctions/expressions/greenLagrangeStrains.hh>
18# include <dune/localfefunctions/impl/standardLocalFunction.hh>
19# include <dune/localfefunctions/manifolds/realTuple.hh>
31namespace Ikarus {
43 template <typename Basis_, typename Material_, typename FERequirements_ = FERequirements<>, bool useEigenRef = false>
44 class NonLinearElastic : public PowerBasisFE<typename Basis_::FlatBasis> {
45 public:
46 using Basis = Basis_;
47 using Material = Material_;
48 using FlatBasis = typename Basis::FlatBasis;
49 using BasePowerFE = PowerBasisFE<FlatBasis>; // Handles globalIndices function
50 using FERequirementType = FERequirements_;
52 using LocalView = typename FlatBasis::LocalView;
53 using Element = typename LocalView::Element;
54 using Geometry = typename Element::Geometry;
55 using GridView = typename FlatBasis::GridView;
57 static constexpr int myDim = Traits::mydim;
58 static constexpr int worldDim = Traits::worlddim;
59 static constexpr auto strainType = StrainTags::greenLagrangian;
60 using LocalBasisType = decltype(std::declval<LocalView>().tree().child(0).finiteElement().localBasis());
74 template <typename VolumeLoad = utils::LoadDefault, typename NeumannBoundaryLoad = utils::LoadDefault>
75 NonLinearElastic(const Basis& globalBasis, const typename LocalView::Element& element, const Material& p_mat,
76 VolumeLoad p_volumeLoad = {}, const BoundaryPatch<GridView>* p_neumannBoundary = nullptr,
77 NeumannBoundaryLoad p_neumannBoundaryLoad = {})
78 : BasePowerFE(globalBasis.flat(), element), neumannBoundary{p_neumannBoundary}, mat{p_mat} {
79 this->localView().bind(element);
80 auto& first_child = this->localView().tree().child(0);
81 const auto& fe = first_child.finiteElement();
82 geo_ = std::make_shared<const Geometry>(this->localView().element().geometry());
83 numberOfNodes = fe.size();
84 order = 2 * (fe.localBasis().order());
85 localBasis = Dune::CachedLocalBasis(fe.localBasis());
86 if constexpr (requires { this->localView().element().impl().getQuadratureRule(order); })
87 if (this->localView().element().impl().isTrimmed())
88 localBasis.bind(this->localView().element().impl().getQuadratureRule(order), Dune::bindDerivatives(0, 1));
89 else
90 localBasis.bind(Dune::QuadratureRules<double, myDim>::rule(this->localView().element().type(), order),
91 Dune::bindDerivatives(0, 1));
92 else
93 localBasis.bind(Dune::QuadratureRules<double, myDim>::rule(this->localView().element().type(), order),
94 Dune::bindDerivatives(0, 1));
96 if constexpr (!std::is_same_v<VolumeLoad, utils::LoadDefault>) volumeLoad = p_volumeLoad;
97 if constexpr (!std::is_same_v<NeumannBoundaryLoad, utils::LoadDefault>)
98 neumannBoundaryLoad = p_neumannBoundaryLoad;
100 assert(((not p_neumannBoundary and not neumannBoundaryLoad) or (p_neumannBoundary and neumannBoundaryLoad))
101 && "If you pass a Neumann boundary you should also pass the function for the Neumann load!");
102 }
112 template <typename ScalarType = double>
114 const std::optional<const Eigen::VectorX<ScalarType>>& dx = std::nullopt) const {
115 const auto& d = par.getGlobalSolution(Ikarus::FESolutions::displacement);
116 auto disp = Ikarus::FEHelper::localSolutionBlockVector<FERequirementType>(d, this->localView(), dx);
117 Dune::StandardLocalFunction uFunction(localBasis, disp, geo_);
118 return uFunction;
119 }
129 template <typename ScalarType = double>
130 inline auto strainFunction(const FERequirementType& par,
131 const std::optional<const Eigen::VectorX<ScalarType>>& dx = std::nullopt) const {
132 return Dune::greenLagrangeStrains(displacementFunction(par, dx));
133 }
144 template <typename ScalarType, int strainDim, bool voigt = true>
145 auto materialTangent(const Eigen::Vector<ScalarType, strainDim>& strain) const {
146 if constexpr (std::is_same_v<ScalarType, double>)
147 return mat.template tangentModuli<strainType, voigt>(strain);
148 else {
149 decltype(auto) matAD = mat.template rebind<ScalarType>();
150 return matAD.template tangentModuli<strainType, voigt>(strain);
151 }
152 }
162 template <typename ScalarType, int strainDim>
163 auto getInternalEnergy(const Eigen::Vector<ScalarType, strainDim>& strain) const {
164 if constexpr (std::is_same_v<ScalarType, double>)
165 return mat.template storedEnergy<strainType>(strain);
166 else {
167 decltype(auto) matAD = mat.template rebind<ScalarType>();
168 return matAD.template storedEnergy<strainType>(strain);
169 }
170 }
181 template <typename ScalarType, int strainDim, bool voigt = true>
182 auto getStress(const Eigen::Vector<ScalarType, strainDim>& strain) const {
183 if constexpr (std::is_same_v<ScalarType, double>)
184 return mat.template stresses<strainType, voigt>(strain);
185 else {
186 decltype(auto) matAD = mat.template rebind<ScalarType>();
187 return matAD.template stresses<strainType, voigt>(strain);
188 }
189 }
198 double calculateScalar(const FERequirementType& par) const { return calculateScalarImpl<double>(par); }
207 void calculateVector(const FERequirementType& par, typename Traits::template VectorType<> force) const {
208 calculateVectorImpl<double>(par, force);
209 }
218 void calculateMatrix(const FERequirementType& par, typename Traits::template MatrixType<> K) const {
219 using namespace Dune::DerivativeDirections;
220 using namespace Dune;
221 const auto eps = strainFunction(par);
222 for (const auto& [gpIndex, gp] : eps.viewOverIntegrationPoints()) {
223 const double intElement = geo_->integrationElement(gp.position()) * gp.weight();
224 const auto EVoigt = (eps.evaluate(gpIndex, on(gridElement))).eval();
225 const auto C = materialTangent(EVoigt);
226 const auto stresses = getStress(EVoigt);
227 for (size_t i = 0; i < numberOfNodes; ++i) {
228 const auto bopI = eps.evaluateDerivative(gpIndex, wrt(coeff(i)), on(gridElement));
229 for (size_t j = 0; j < numberOfNodes; ++j) {
230 const auto bopJ = eps.evaluateDerivative(gpIndex, wrt(coeff(j)), on(gridElement));
231 const auto kgIJ = eps.evaluateDerivative(gpIndex, wrt(coeff(i, j)), along(stresses), on(gridElement));
232 K.template block<myDim, myDim>(i * myDim, j * myDim) += (bopI.transpose() * C * bopJ + kgIJ) * intElement;
233 }
234 }
235 }
236 }
246 ResultTypeMap<double>& result) const {
247 using namespace Dune::DerivativeDirections;
248 using namespace Dune;
250 const auto uFunction = displacementFunction(req.getFERequirements());
251 const auto H = uFunction.evaluateDerivative(local, Dune::wrt(spatialAll), Dune::on(gridElement));
252 const auto E = (0.5 * (H.transpose() + H + H.transpose() * H)).eval();
253 const auto EVoigt = toVoigt(E);
254 auto PK2 = mat.template stresses<StrainTags::greenLagrangian>(EVoigt);
258 else
259 DUNE_THROW(Dune::NotImplemented, "The requested result type is NOT implemented.");
260 }
262 std::shared_ptr<const Geometry> geo_;
263 Dune::CachedLocalBasis<std::remove_cvref_t<LocalBasisType>> localBasis;
264 std::function<Eigen::Vector<double, worldDim>(const Dune::FieldVector<double, worldDim>&, const double&)>
266 std::function<Eigen::Vector<double, worldDim>(const Dune::FieldVector<double, worldDim>&, const double&)>
268 const BoundaryPatch<GridView>* neumannBoundary;
270 size_t numberOfNodes{0};
271 int order{};
273 protected:
274 template <typename ScalarType>
275 auto calculateScalarImpl(const FERequirementType& par, const std::optional<const Eigen::VectorX<ScalarType>>& dx
276 = std::nullopt) const -> ScalarType {
277 using namespace Dune::DerivativeDirections;
278 using namespace Dune;
279 const auto uFunction = displacementFunction(par, dx);
280 const auto eps = strainFunction(par, dx);
281 const auto& lambda = par.getParameter(Ikarus::FEParameter::loadfactor);
282 ScalarType energy = 0.0;
284 for (const auto& [gpIndex, gp] : uFunction.viewOverIntegrationPoints()) {
285 const auto EVoigt = (eps.evaluate(gpIndex, on(gridElement))).eval();
286 const auto internalEnergy = getInternalEnergy(EVoigt);
287 energy += internalEnergy * geo_->integrationElement(gp.position()) * gp.weight();
288 }
290 if (volumeLoad) {
291 for (const auto& [gpIndex, gp] : uFunction.viewOverIntegrationPoints()) {
292 const auto u = uFunction.evaluate(gpIndex);
293 const Eigen::Vector<double, Traits::worlddim> fExt = volumeLoad(geo_->global(gp.position()), lambda);
294 energy -= * geo_->integrationElement(gp.position()) * gp.weight();
295 }
296 }
298 // line or surface loads, i.e., neumann boundary
299 if (not neumannBoundary and not neumannBoundaryLoad) return energy;
301 const auto& element = this->localView().element();
302 for (auto&& intersection : intersections(neumannBoundary->gridView(), element)) {
303 if (not neumannBoundary or not neumannBoundary->contains(intersection)) continue;
305 const auto& quadLine = Dune::QuadratureRules<double, Traits::mydim - 1>::rule(intersection.type(), order);
307 for (const auto& curQuad : quadLine) {
308 // Local position of the quadrature point
310 = intersection.geometryInInside().global(curQuad.position());
312 const double intElement = intersection.geometry().integrationElement(curQuad.position());
314 // The value of the local function
315 const auto u = uFunction.evaluate(quadPos);
317 // Value of the Neumann data at the current position
318 const auto neumannValue = neumannBoundaryLoad(intersection.geometry().global(curQuad.position()), lambda);
319 energy -= * curQuad.weight() * intElement;
320 }
321 }
322 return energy;
323 }
325 template <typename ScalarType>
326 void calculateVectorImpl(const FERequirementType& par, typename Traits::template VectorType<ScalarType> force,
327 const std::optional<const Eigen::VectorX<ScalarType>>& dx = std::nullopt) const {
328 using namespace Dune::DerivativeDirections;
329 using namespace Dune;
330 const auto& lambda = par.getParameter(Ikarus::FEParameter::loadfactor);
331 const auto uFunction = displacementFunction(par, dx);
332 const auto eps = strainFunction(par, dx);
334 // Internal forces
335 for (const auto& [gpIndex, gp] : eps.viewOverIntegrationPoints()) {
336 const double intElement = geo_->integrationElement(gp.position()) * gp.weight();
337 const auto EVoigt = (eps.evaluate(gpIndex, on(gridElement))).eval();
338 const auto stresses = getStress(EVoigt);
339 for (size_t i = 0; i < numberOfNodes; ++i) {
340 const auto bopI = eps.evaluateDerivative(gpIndex, wrt(coeff(i)), on(gridElement));
341 force.template segment<myDim>(myDim * i) += bopI.transpose() * stresses * intElement;
342 }
343 }
345 // External forces volume forces over the domain
346 if (volumeLoad) {
347 for (const auto& [gpIndex, gp] : uFunction.viewOverIntegrationPoints()) {
348 const double intElement = geo_->integrationElement(gp.position()) * gp.weight();
349 const Eigen::Vector<double, Traits::worlddim> fExt = volumeLoad(geo_->global(gp.position()), lambda);
350 for (size_t i = 0; i < numberOfNodes; ++i) {
351 const auto udCi = uFunction.evaluateDerivative(gpIndex, wrt(coeff(i)));
352 force.template segment<myDim>(myDim * i) -= udCi * fExt * intElement;
353 }
354 }
355 }
357 // External forces, boundary forces, i.e., at the Neumann boundary
358 if (not neumannBoundary and not neumannBoundaryLoad) return;
359 const auto& element = this->localView().element();
360 for (auto&& intersection : intersections(neumannBoundary->gridView(), element)) {
361 if (not neumannBoundary->contains(intersection)) continue;
363 // Integration rule along the boundary
364 const auto& quadLine = Dune::QuadratureRules<double, myDim - 1>::rule(intersection.type(), order);
366 for (const auto& curQuad : quadLine) {
367 const Dune::FieldVector<double, myDim>& quadPos = intersection.geometryInInside().global(curQuad.position());
369 const double intElement = intersection.geometry().integrationElement(curQuad.position());
371 // The value of the local function wrt the i-th coefficient
372 for (size_t i = 0; i < numberOfNodes; ++i) {
373 const auto udCi = uFunction.evaluateDerivative(quadPos, wrt(coeff(i)));
375 // Value of the Neumann data at the current position
376 const auto neumannValue = neumannBoundaryLoad(intersection.geometry().global(curQuad.position()), lambda);
377 force.template segment<myDim>(myDim * i) -= udCi * neumannValue * curQuad.weight() * intElement;
378 }
379 }
380 }
381 }
382 };
383} // namespace Ikarus
386# error NonLinearElastic depends on dune-localfefunctions, which is not included
Collection of fallback default functions.
Helper for transform between Dune linear algebra types and Eigen.
Helper for the autodiff library.
Contains the PowerBasisFE class, which works with a power basis in FlatInterLeaved elements.
Material property functions and conversion utilities.
FETraits template structure for finite element traits.
Definition of the LinearElastic class for finite element mechanics computations.
Definition of several material related enums.
constexpr Eigen::Index toVoigt(Eigen::Index i, Eigen::Index j) noexcept
Converts 2D indices to Voigt notation index.
Definition: tensorutils.hh:167
Definition: simpleassemblers.hh:21
Definition: resultevaluators.hh:17
PowerBasisFE class for working with a power basis in FlatInterLeaved elements.
Definition: powerbasisfe.hh:23
const GridElement & gridElement() const
Get the grid element associated with the local view.
Definition: powerbasisfe.hh:78
const LocalView & localView() const
Get the const reference to the local view.
Definition: powerbasisfe.hh:84
Class representing a map of result types to result arrays.
Definition: ferequirements.hh:342
void insertOrAssignResult(ResultType &&resultType, const ResultArray &resultArray)
Insert or assign a result to the map.
Definition: ferequirements.hh:354
Class representing the requirements for obtaining specific results.
Definition: ferequirements.hh:405
const FERequirements & getFERequirements() const
Get the associated finite element requirements.
Definition: ferequirements.hh:535
bool isResultRequested(ResultType &&key) const
Check if a specific result type is requested.
Definition: ferequirements.hh:446
NonLinearElastic class represents a non-linear elastic finite element.
Definition: finiteelements/mechanics/nonlinearelastic.hh:44
static constexpr int myDim
Definition: finiteelements/mechanics/nonlinearelastic.hh:57
typename LocalView::Element Element
Definition: finiteelements/mechanics/nonlinearelastic.hh:53
static constexpr auto strainType
Definition: finiteelements/mechanics/nonlinearelastic.hh:59
std::shared_ptr< const Geometry > geo_
Definition: finiteelements/mechanics/nonlinearelastic.hh:262
Basis_ Basis
Definition: finiteelements/mechanics/nonlinearelastic.hh:46
PowerBasisFE< FlatBasis > BasePowerFE
Definition: finiteelements/mechanics/nonlinearelastic.hh:49
void calculateMatrix(const FERequirementType &par, typename Traits::template MatrixType<> K) const
Calculate the matrix associated with the given FERequirementType.
Definition: finiteelements/mechanics/nonlinearelastic.hh:218
auto getInternalEnergy(const Eigen::Vector< ScalarType, strainDim > &strain) const
Get the internal energy for the given strain.
Definition: finiteelements/mechanics/nonlinearelastic.hh:163
double calculateScalar(const FERequirementType &par) const
Calculate the scalar value associated with the given FERequirementType.
Definition: finiteelements/mechanics/nonlinearelastic.hh:198
typename FlatBasis::GridView GridView
Definition: finiteelements/mechanics/nonlinearelastic.hh:55
std::function< Eigen::Vector< double, worldDim >(const Dune::FieldVector< double, worldDim > &, const double &)> volumeLoad
Definition: finiteelements/mechanics/nonlinearelastic.hh:265
auto displacementFunction(const FERequirementType &par, const std::optional< const Eigen::VectorX< ScalarType > > &dx=std::nullopt) const
Get the displacement function for the given FERequirementType.
Definition: finiteelements/mechanics/nonlinearelastic.hh:113
Dune::CachedLocalBasis< std::remove_cvref_t< LocalBasisType > > localBasis
Definition: finiteelements/mechanics/nonlinearelastic.hh:263
typename Element::Geometry Geometry
Definition: finiteelements/mechanics/nonlinearelastic.hh:54
auto calculateScalarImpl(const FERequirementType &par, const std::optional< const Eigen::VectorX< ScalarType > > &dx=std::nullopt) const -> ScalarType
Definition: finiteelements/mechanics/nonlinearelastic.hh:275
FERequirements_ FERequirementType
Definition: finiteelements/mechanics/nonlinearelastic.hh:50
void calculateVectorImpl(const FERequirementType &par, typename Traits::template VectorType< ScalarType > force, const std::optional< const Eigen::VectorX< ScalarType > > &dx=std::nullopt) const
Definition: finiteelements/mechanics/nonlinearelastic.hh:326
Material mat
Definition: finiteelements/mechanics/nonlinearelastic.hh:269
size_t numberOfNodes
Definition: finiteelements/mechanics/nonlinearelastic.hh:270
Material_ Material
Definition: finiteelements/mechanics/nonlinearelastic.hh:47
decltype(std::declval< LocalView >().tree().child(0).finiteElement().localBasis()) LocalBasisType
Definition: finiteelements/mechanics/nonlinearelastic.hh:60
std::function< Eigen::Vector< double, worldDim >(const Dune::FieldVector< double, worldDim > &, const double &)> neumannBoundaryLoad
Definition: finiteelements/mechanics/nonlinearelastic.hh:267
const BoundaryPatch< GridView > * neumannBoundary
Definition: finiteelements/mechanics/nonlinearelastic.hh:268
auto getStress(const Eigen::Vector< ScalarType, strainDim > &strain) const
Get the stress for the given strain.
Definition: finiteelements/mechanics/nonlinearelastic.hh:182
typename Basis::FlatBasis FlatBasis
Definition: finiteelements/mechanics/nonlinearelastic.hh:48
static constexpr int worldDim
Definition: finiteelements/mechanics/nonlinearelastic.hh:58
auto materialTangent(const Eigen::Vector< ScalarType, strainDim > &strain) const
Get the material tangent for the given strain.
Definition: finiteelements/mechanics/nonlinearelastic.hh:145
auto strainFunction(const FERequirementType &par, const std::optional< const Eigen::VectorX< ScalarType > > &dx=std::nullopt) const
The strain function for the given FERequirementType.
Definition: finiteelements/mechanics/nonlinearelastic.hh:130
typename FlatBasis::LocalView LocalView
Definition: finiteelements/mechanics/nonlinearelastic.hh:52
int order
Definition: finiteelements/mechanics/nonlinearelastic.hh:271
void calculateAt(const ResultRequirementsType &req, const Dune::FieldVector< double, Traits::mydim > &local, ResultTypeMap< double > &result) const
Calculate specified results at a given local position.
Definition: finiteelements/mechanics/nonlinearelastic.hh:245
NonLinearElastic(const Basis &globalBasis, const typename LocalView::Element &element, const Material &p_mat, VolumeLoad p_volumeLoad={}, const BoundaryPatch< GridView > *p_neumannBoundary=nullptr, NeumannBoundaryLoad p_neumannBoundaryLoad={})
Constructor for the NonLinearElastic class.
Definition: finiteelements/mechanics/nonlinearelastic.hh:75
void calculateVector(const FERequirementType &par, typename Traits::template VectorType<> force) const
Calculate the vector associated with the given FERequirementType.
Definition: finiteelements/mechanics/nonlinearelastic.hh:207
Traits for handling local views.see
Definition: physicshelper.hh:65
static constexpr int worlddim
Dimension of the world space.
Definition: physicshelper.hh:68
static constexpr int mydim
Dimension of the geometry.
Definition: physicshelper.hh:71
Definition: resultevaluators.hh:20
decltype(Dune::Functions::DefaultGlobalBasis(Ikarus::flatPreBasis(std::declval< PreBasis >()))) FlatBasis
The type of the flattened basis.
Definition: utils/basis.hh:36