version 0.3.7
mechanics Directory Reference
Directory dependency graph for mechanics:


directory  materials


file  enhancedassumedstrains.hh [code]
 Definition of the EAS class.
file  finiteelements/mechanics/kirchhoffloveshell.hh [code]
 Definition of the KirchhoffLoveShell class for Kirchhoff-Love shell elements in Ikarus.
file  finiteelements/mechanics/linearelastic.hh [code]
 Definition of the LinearElastic class for finite element mechanics computations.
file  materials.hh [code]
 Header file for material models in Ikarus finite element mechanics.
file  membranestrains.hh [code]
 Implementation of membrane strain for shells.
file  finiteelements/mechanics/nonlinearelastic.hh [code]
 Definition of the NonLinearElastic class for finite element mechanics computations.