version 0.4.1
Ikarus::Python Namespace Reference


template<class Assembler , class... options>
void registerSparseFlatAssembler (pybind11::handle scope, pybind11::class_< Assembler, options... > cls)
 Register Python bindings for a SparseFlatAssembler class.
. More...
template<class Assembler , class... options>
void registerDenseFlatAssembler (pybind11::handle scope, pybind11::class_< Assembler, options... > cls)
 Register Python bindings for a DenseFlatAssembler class.
. More...
template<class BasisHandler , class... options>
void registerBasisHandler (pybind11::handle scope, pybind11::class_< BasisHandler, options... > cls)
 Register a Python wrapper for an Ikarus basis class. More...
template<class DirichletValues , class... options>
void registerDirichletValues (pybind11::handle scope, pybind11::class_< DirichletValues, options... > cls)
 Register Python bindings for a DirichletValues class. More...
template<class FE , class... options>
void registerCalculateAt (pybind11::handle scope, pybind11::class_< FE, options... > cls, auto restultTypesTuple)
 Registers the calculateAt method for a finite element class in Python. More...
template<class FE , class... options>
void registerFE (pybind11::handle scope, pybind11::class_< FE, options... > cls)
 Register Python bindings for the FE class. More...
template<class NonLinearElasticPre , class... options>
void registerNonLinearElasticPre (pybind11::handle scope, pybind11::class_< NonLinearElasticPre, options... > cls)
 Registers a NonLinearElasticPre class in Python. More...
template<class LinearElasticPre , class... options>
void registerLinearElasticPre (pybind11::handle scope, pybind11::class_< LinearElasticPre, options... > cls)
 Registers a LinearElasticPre class in Python. More...
template<class KirchhoffLoveShellPre , class... options>
void registerKirchhoffLoveShellPre (pybind11::handle scope, pybind11::class_< KirchhoffLoveShellPre, options... > cls)
 Registers a KirchhoffLoveShellPre class in Python. More...
template<class EASPre , class... options>
void registerEnhancedAssumedStrainsPre (pybind11::handle scope, pybind11::class_< EASPre, options... > cls)
 Registers an EnhancedAssumedStrainsPre class in Python. More...
template<class NeumannBoundaryLoadPre , class... options>
void registerNeumannBoundaryLoadPre (pybind11::handle scope, pybind11::class_< NeumannBoundaryLoadPre, options... > cls)
 Registers a NeumannBoundaryLoadPre class in Python. More...
template<class VolumeLoadPre , class... options>
void registerVolumeLoadPre (pybind11::handle scope, pybind11::class_< VolumeLoadPre, options... > cls)
 Registers a VolumeLoadPre class in Python. More...
template<class BoundaryPatch , class... options>
void registerBoundaryPatch (pybind11::handle scope, pybind11::class_< BoundaryPatch, options... > cls)

Function Documentation


Ikarus::Python::MAKE_MATERIAL_REGISTERY_FUNCTION ( LinearElasticity  ,




Ikarus::Python::MAKE_MATERIAL_REGISTERY_FUNCTION ( StVenantKirchhoff  ,

◆ registerBoundaryPatch()

template<class BoundaryPatch , class... options>
void Ikarus::Python::registerBoundaryPatch ( pybind11::handle  scope,
pybind11::class_< BoundaryPatch, options... >  cls 

◆ registerCalculateAt()

template<class FE , class... options>
void Ikarus::Python::registerCalculateAt ( pybind11::handle  scope,
pybind11::class_< FE, options... >  cls,
auto  restultTypesTuple 

This function is used to expose the calculateAt method of a finite element class to Python using Pybind11.

Template Parameters
FEThe finite element class type.
optionsVariadic template parameters for additional options when defining the Python class.
scopeThe Pybind11 handle to the Python module or class where the method will be registered.
clsThe Pybind11 class wrapper for the finite element class.
restultTypesTupleA tuple containing the result types to be supported by the calculateAt method.

The calculateAt method is exposed to Python, allowing users to compute element values at a specific location.

Example usage in Python:

fe_instance = MyFiniteElementClass()
result = fe_instance.calculateAt(feRequirements, local, "linearStress")
feRequirementsThe requirements for the finite element calculation.
localThe local coordinates where the calculation is performed.
resultTypeA string specifying the desired result type for the calculation.
The calculated result as a EigenType but NumPy array.
Dune::NotImplementedIf the specified resultType is not supported by the finite element.
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ registerEnhancedAssumedStrainsPre()

template<class EASPre , class... options>
void Ikarus::Python::registerEnhancedAssumedStrainsPre ( pybind11::handle  scope,
pybind11::class_< EASPre, options... >  cls 
Template Parameters
EASPreThe EnhancedAssumedStrainsPre class.
optionsAdditional options for the pybind11 class.
scopePython handle to the module or class scope.
clsThe pybind11 class to register.

◆ registerKirchhoffLoveShellPre()

template<class KirchhoffLoveShellPre , class... options>
void Ikarus::Python::registerKirchhoffLoveShellPre ( pybind11::handle  scope,
pybind11::class_< KirchhoffLoveShellPre, options... >  cls 
Template Parameters
KirchhoffLoveShellPreThe KirchhoffLoveShellPre class.
optionsAdditional options for the pybind11 class.
scopePython handle to the module or class scope.
clsThe pybind11 class to register.

◆ registerLinearElasticPre()

template<class LinearElasticPre , class... options>
void Ikarus::Python::registerLinearElasticPre ( pybind11::handle  scope,
pybind11::class_< LinearElasticPre, options... >  cls 
Template Parameters
LinearElasticPreThe LinearElasticPre class.
optionsAdditional options for the pybind11 class.
scopePython handle to the module or class scope.
clsThe pybind11 class to register.

◆ registerNeumannBoundaryLoadPre()

template<class NeumannBoundaryLoadPre , class... options>
void Ikarus::Python::registerNeumannBoundaryLoadPre ( pybind11::handle  scope,
pybind11::class_< NeumannBoundaryLoadPre, options... >  cls 
Template Parameters
NeumannBoundaryLoadPreThe NeumannBoundaryLoadPre class.
optionsAdditional options for the pybind11 class.
scopePython handle to the module or class scope.
clsThe pybind11 class to register.

◆ registerNonLinearElasticPre()

template<class NonLinearElasticPre , class... options>
void Ikarus::Python::registerNonLinearElasticPre ( pybind11::handle  scope,
pybind11::class_< NonLinearElasticPre, options... >  cls 
Template Parameters
NonLinearElasticPreThe NonLinearElasticPre class.
optionsAdditional options for the pybind11 class.
scopePython handle to the module or class scope.
clsThe pybind11 class to register.

◆ registerVolumeLoadPre()

template<class VolumeLoadPre , class... options>
void Ikarus::Python::registerVolumeLoadPre ( pybind11::handle  scope,
pybind11::class_< VolumeLoadPre, options... >  cls 
Template Parameters
VolumeLoadPreThe VolumeLoadPre class.
optionsAdditional options for the pybind11 class.
scopePython handle to the module or class scope.
clsThe pybind11 class to register.