version 0.4.1
Ikarus::utils Namespace Reference


struct  CheckFlags
 Struct to hold flags for function checks. More...
struct  SolverDefault
 Default functor for solving operations. More...
struct  UpdateDefault
 Default functor for updating operations. More...


void makeUniqueAndSort (std::ranges::random_access_range auto &r)
 Sorts and removes duplicate elements from a random access range.*. More...
template<typename T >
auto appendUnique (std::ranges::random_access_range auto &r, T &&v)
 Appends a value to the range if it is not already present. More...
template<class C >
void printContent (C &&c, std::ostream &os=std::cout)
 Prints the contents of a container to the specified output stream. More...
template<class C >
auto transformValueRangeToPointerRange (C &cont)
 Transforms a value range to a pointer range. More...
template<class C >
auto transformPointerRangeToReferenceRange (C &cont)
 Transforms a pointer range to a reference range. More...
template<typename Tuple , typename Predicate >
constexpr size_t find_if (Tuple &&tuple, Predicate pred)
 Finds the index of the first element in the tuple satisfying a predicate. More...
template<typename Tuple , typename Predicate >
bool none_of (Tuple &&tuple, Predicate pred)
 Checks if none of the elements in the tuple satisfy a given predicate. More...
template<typename Tuple , typename Predicate >
bool any_of (Tuple &&tuple, Predicate pred)
 Checks if any of the elements in the tuple satisfy a given predicate. More...
template<typename Tuple , typename Predicate >
auto filter (Tuple &&tuple, Predicate pred)
 Filters the elements of a tuple based on a given predicate. More...
template<typename... Types>
constexpr auto unique (std::tuple< Types... > &&tuple)
 Creates a tuple with unique types from the given tuple. More...
template<typename Tuple , typename Predicate >
constexpr size_t count_if (Tuple &&tuple, Predicate pred)
 Counts the number of elements in the tuple satisfying the given predicate. More...
template<template< auto... > class Type, typename Tuple >
constexpr int findTypeSpecialization ()
 Finds the index of the first element in the tuple that is a specialization of the given template type. More...
template<template< auto... > class Type, typename Tuple >
auto getSpecialization (Tuple &&tuple)
 Gets the specialization of the given template type from the tuple. More...
template<template< auto... > class Type, typename Tuple >
constexpr bool hasTypeSpecialization ()
 Checks if a tuple has a specialization of a template type. More...
template<template< auto... > class Type, typename Tuple >
constexpr bool countTypeSpecialization ()
 Counts the occurrences of a specialization of a template type in a tuple. More...
template<int N, class Tuple >
constexpr auto makeTupleSubset (Tuple &&t)
 Creates a subset tuple with the first N elements from the given tuple. More...
template<class Tuple , std::size_t... I>
constexpr auto makeTupleFromTupleIndices (Tuple &&t)
 Creates a new tuple using indices from the original tuple. More...
template<typename... Types>
auto makeNestedTupleFlat (std::tuple< Types... >)
 Creates a flattened nested tuple. More...
template<typename Tuple >
auto makeNestedTupleFlatAndStoreReferences (Tuple &&tup)
 Creates a flattened nested tuple and stores references. More...
template<typename T >
requires traits::Pointer<T>
auto & returnReferenceOrNulloptIfObjectIsNullPtr (T v)
 Returns a reference or std::nullopt if the object is a nullptr. More...
template<typename Fun , typename... Vars, typename... Args, typename U , typename G , typename H >
void hessianN (const Fun &f, const autodiff::Wrt< Vars... > &wrt, const autodiff::At< Args... > &at, U &u, std::array< G, U::RowsAtCompileTime > &g, std::array< H, U::RowsAtCompileTime > &h)
 Computes the Hessian matrix for each parameter of a given function.The Hessian matrix represents the second-order partial derivatives of the function with respect to the specified variables. More...
std::tuple< Dune::Functions::Polynomial< double >, decltype(Eigen::seq(0, 0))> findLineSegment (const Eigen::VectorXd &x, const Eigen::VectorXd &y, int segmentSize)
 Find a linear segment in a set of data points. More...
template<int size, typename LV >
void obtainLagrangeNodePositions (const LV &localView, std::vector< Dune::FieldVector< double, size > > &lagrangeNodeCoords)
 A function to obtain the global positions of the nodes of an element with Lagrangian basis, see Dune book page 314. More...
template<typename FE >
auto referenceElementSubEntityPositions (FE &fe, int codim)
 A function to obtain the local coordinates of subentities of an FiniteElement. More...
template<typename FE >
auto referenceElementVertexPositions (FE &fe)
 A function to obtain the local coordinates the vertices of an FiniteElement. More...
template<typename NonlinearOperator , typename UpdateType = typename NonlinearOperator::template ParameterValue<0>>
bool checkGradient (NonlinearOperator &nonLinOp, CheckFlags checkFlags=CheckFlags(), std::function< void(typename NonlinearOperator::template ParameterValue< 0 > &, const UpdateType &)> p_updateFunction=[](typename NonlinearOperator::template ParameterValue< 0 > &a, const UpdateType &b) { a+=b;})
 Checks the gradient of a nonlinear operator. More...
template<typename NonlinearOperator , typename UpdateType = typename NonlinearOperator::template ParameterValue<0>>
bool checkJacobian (NonlinearOperator &nonLinOp, CheckFlags checkFlags=CheckFlags(), std::function< void(typename NonlinearOperator::template ParameterValue< 0 > &, const UpdateType &)> p_updateFunction=[](typename NonlinearOperator::template ParameterValue< 0 > &a, const UpdateType &b) { a+=b;})
 Checks the Jacobian of a nonlinear operator. More...
template<typename NonlinearOperator , typename UpdateType = typename NonlinearOperator::template ParameterValue<0>>
bool checkHessian (NonlinearOperator &nonLinOp, CheckFlags checkFlags=CheckFlags(), std::function< void(typename NonlinearOperator::template ParameterValue< 0 > &, const UpdateType &)> p_updateFunction=[](typename NonlinearOperator::template ParameterValue< 0 > &a, const UpdateType &b) { a+=b;})
 Checks the Hessian of a nonlinear operator. More...
std::tuple< Dune::Functions::Polynomial< double >, double > polyfit (const Eigen::Ref< const Eigen::VectorXd > &x, const Eigen::Ref< const Eigen::VectorXd > &y, int deg)
 Fits a polynomial of a given degree to the given data points. More...
template<class T , class TreePath , class PowerFunc , class LeafFunc >
void forEachLeafOrPowerLeafNode (T &&tree, TreePath &&treePath, PowerFunc &&powerFunc, LeafFunc &&leafFunc)
 A function which loops over all the nodes of a tree and performs different actions for a power node (with leaf node as child) and a leaf node depending on the corresponding functor passed. More...


template<template< auto... > class Type, typename Tuple >
static constexpr bool countTypeSpecialization_v = countTypeSpecialization<Type, Tuple>()
 Variable template for counting the occurrences of a specialization of a template type in a tuple. More...

Function Documentation

◆ forEachLeafOrPowerLeafNode()

template<class T , class TreePath , class PowerFunc , class LeafFunc >
void Ikarus::utils::forEachLeafOrPowerLeafNode ( T &&  tree,
TreePath &&  treePath,
PowerFunc &&  powerFunc,
LeafFunc &&  leafFunc 

This function is inspired from the function Dune::TypeTree::Detail::forEachNode available in dune/typetree/traversal.hh

Template Parameters
TType of tree.
TreePathType of the HybridTreePath.
PowerFuncType of the functor called for a power node.
LeafFuncType of the functor called for a leaf node.
treeTree whose nodes are to be looped over.
treePathThe tree path which handles index values.
powerFuncA functor to be called for a power node.
leafFuncA functor to be called for a leaf node.
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ makeNestedTupleFlat()

template<typename... Types>
auto Ikarus::utils::makeNestedTupleFlat ( std::tuple< Types... >  )
Template Parameters
TypesTypes contained in the original tuple.
A new flattened nested tuple.

◆ makeNestedTupleFlatAndStoreReferences()

template<typename Tuple >
auto Ikarus::utils::makeNestedTupleFlatAndStoreReferences ( Tuple &&  tup)
Template Parameters
TupleType of the original tuple.
tupThe original tuple.
A new tuple with stored references.

This function creates a flattened nested tuple and stores references.

◆ returnReferenceOrNulloptIfObjectIsNullPtr()

template<typename T >
requires traits::Pointer<T>
auto & Ikarus::utils::returnReferenceOrNulloptIfObjectIsNullPtr ( v)
Template Parameters
TType of the pointer.
vPointer value.
Reference or std::nullopt.