version 0.4.1
Ikarus::AlgoInfo Struct Reference

Additional information about the TrustRegion algorithm.

#include <ikarus/solver/nonlinearsolver/trustregion.hh>

Public Attributes

int consecutive_TRplus = 0
 Consecutive trust region increases. More...
int consecutive_TRminus = 0
 Consecutive trust region decreases. More...
int consecutive_Rejected = 0
 Consecutive rejected proposals. More...
std::string stopReasonString
 String describing the stopping reason. More...
std::string trstr
 Trust region change string (TR+, TR-). More...
std::string accstr
 Acceptance string (REJ, acc). More...
std::string randomPredictionString
 Random prediction string. More...
std::string cauchystr = " "
 Used Cauchy step string. More...
bool acceptProposal
 Flag indicating whether the proposal is accepted. More...
bool used_cauchy = false
 Flag indicating whether Cauchy point was used. More...
StopReason stop {StopReason::dontStop}
 Stopping reason. More...
std::string reasonString
 String describing the stopping reason. More...

Member Data Documentation

◆ acceptProposal

bool Ikarus::AlgoInfo::acceptProposal

◆ accstr

std::string Ikarus::AlgoInfo::accstr

◆ cauchystr

std::string Ikarus::AlgoInfo::cauchystr = " "

◆ consecutive_Rejected

int Ikarus::AlgoInfo::consecutive_Rejected = 0

◆ consecutive_TRminus

int Ikarus::AlgoInfo::consecutive_TRminus = 0

◆ consecutive_TRplus

int Ikarus::AlgoInfo::consecutive_TRplus = 0

◆ randomPredictionString

std::string Ikarus::AlgoInfo::randomPredictionString

◆ reasonString

std::string Ikarus::AlgoInfo::reasonString

◆ stop

StopReason Ikarus::AlgoInfo::stop {StopReason::dontStop}

◆ stopReasonString

std::string Ikarus::AlgoInfo::stopReasonString

◆ trstr

std::string Ikarus::AlgoInfo::trstr

◆ used_cauchy

bool Ikarus::AlgoInfo::used_cauchy = false

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