version 0.4.1
utils Directory Reference
Directory dependency graph for utils:


directory  drawing
directory  observer


file  algorithms.hh [code]
 Implementation of several stl-like algorithms.
file  autodiffhelper.hh [code]
 Helper for the autodiff library.
file  utils/basis.hh [code]
 Wrapper around Dune-functions global basis.
file  concepts.hh [code]
 Several concepts.
file  defaultfunctions.hh [code]
 Collection of fallback default functions.
file  utils/dirichletvalues.hh [code]
 Definition of DirichletValues class for handling Dirichlet boundary conditions.
file  eigendunetransformations.hh [code]
 Helper for transform between Dune linear algebra types and Eigen.
file  eigensparseaddon.hh [code]
 Enhance the eigen sparse matrix types with given given functions.
file  findlinesegment.hh [code]
 Implementation of the findLineSegment algorithm.
file  flatprebasis.hh [code]
 Implementation of creating a flat basis from a possibly blocked basis.
file  functionhelper.hh [code]
 Helper for dune-functions.
file  functionsanitychecks.hh [code]
 Implementation of function sanity checks.
file  init.hh [code]
 Implementation of the init function.
file  linearalgebrahelper.hh [code]
 Helper for the autodiff library.
file  makeenum.hh [code]
 Implementation of the make enum macro.
file  math.hh [code]
 Implementation of math related algorithms.
file  nonlinearoperator.hh [code]
 Provides a NonLinearOperator class for handling nonlinear operators.
file  polyfit.hh [code]
 Polynomial fitting of data.
file  pythonautodiffdefinitions.hh [code]
 Implementation of forwarding autodiff types from python to c++ and vice versa.
file  tensorproductquadrule.hh [code]
 Free function for creating a tensor product quadrature rule and other Dune::Quadrature rule utils.
file  tensorutils.hh [code]
 Helper for the Eigen::Tensor types.
file  traits.hh [code]
 Contains stl-like type traits.
file  traversal.hh [code]
 Contains functions to traverse through a tree to its different nodes.