17#include <dune/common/tuplevector.hh>
18#include <dune/functions/functionspacebases/lagrangebasis.hh>
19#include <dune/istl/bvector.hh>
23#include <autodiff/forward/dual/dual.hpp>
34 template <
typename Derived>
41 for (
int colIndex = 1; colIndex < Q.cols(); colIndex++) {
42 Q.col(colIndex) -= Q.leftCols(colIndex) * (Q.leftCols(colIndex).transpose() * A.col(colIndex));
43 Q.col(colIndex).normalize();
56 template <
typename ValueType>
58 Eigen::Map<Eigen::VectorX<typename ValueType::field_type>> vec(&blockedVector.begin()->begin().operator*(),
59 blockedVector.size() * blockedVector[0].size());
71 template <
typename ValueType>
73 Eigen::Map<const Eigen::VectorX<typename ValueType::field_type>> vec(
74 &blockedVector.begin()->begin().operator*(), blockedVector.size() * blockedVector[0].size());
87 template <
typename ValueType>
89 Eigen::Map<Eigen::Matrix<typename ValueType::field_type, Eigen::Dynamic, ValueType::valueSize, Eigen::RowMajor>>
90 vec(&blockedVector.begin()->begin().operator*(), blockedVector.size(), blockedVector[0].size());
103 template <
typename ValueType>
106 const Eigen::Matrix<typename ValueType::field_type, Eigen::Dynamic, ValueType::valueSize, Eigen::RowMajor>>
107 vec(&blockedVector.begin()->begin().operator*(), blockedVector.size(), blockedVector[0].size());
120 template <
typename ValueType>
122 Eigen::Map<Eigen::Matrix<typename ValueType::field_type, ValueType::valueSize, Eigen::Dynamic>> vec(
123 &blockedVector.begin()->begin().operator*(), blockedVector[0].size(), blockedVector.size());
135 template <
typename ValueType>
137 Eigen::Map<const Eigen::Matrix<typename ValueType::field_type, ValueType::valueSize, Eigen::Dynamic>> vec(
138 &blockedVector.begin()->begin().operator*(), blockedVector[0].size(), blockedVector.size());
150 template <
typename Type>
163 template <
typename Type>
164 size_t valueSize(
const Dune::BlockVector<Type>& a)
requires requires {
178 template <
typename Type,
typename Derived>
179 Dune::BlockVector<Type>&
operator+=(Dune::BlockVector<Type>& a,
const Eigen::MatrixBase<Derived>& b)
183 assert(
correctionSize(a) ==
static_cast<size_t>(b.size()) &&
" The passed vector has wrong size");
184 for (
auto i = 0U; i < a.size(); ++i)
198 template <
typename Type,
typename Derived>
199 Dune::BlockVector<Type>&
operator-=(Dune::BlockVector<Type>& a,
const Eigen::MatrixBase<Derived>& b)
215 template <
typename... Types,
typename Derived>
216 Dune::TupleVector<Types...>&
operator+=(Dune::TupleVector<Types...>& a,
const Eigen::MatrixBase<Derived>& b) {
217 using namespace Dune::Indices;
219 Dune::Hybrid::forEach(Dune::Hybrid::integralRange(Dune::index_constant<
sizeof...(Types)>()), [&](
const auto i) {
221 a[i] += b(Eigen::seqN(posStart, size));
237 template <
typename ManifoldPo
typename Derived>
238 Dune::BlockVector<ManifoldPoint>&
239 addInEmbedding(Dune::BlockVector<ManifoldPoint>& a,
const Eigen::MatrixBase<Derived>& b)
241 decltype(b.template segment<ManifoldPoint::valueSize>(0))>and
requires() {
244 assert(
valueSize(a) ==
static_cast<size_t>(b.size()) &&
" The passed vector has wrong size");
245 for (
auto i = 0U; i < a.size(); ++i)
257 template <
typename Derived>
258 requires(!std::floating_point<Derived>)
auto norm(
const Eigen::MatrixBase<Derived>& v) {
return v.norm(); }
266 auto norm(
const std::floating_point
auto& v) {
return std::abs(v); }
277 template <
typename Scalar,
int size>
278 auto operator*(
const Eigen::DiagonalMatrix<Scalar, size>& a,
const Eigen::DiagonalMatrix<Scalar, size>& b) {
279 return (a.diagonal().cwiseProduct(b.diagonal())).asDiagonal();
291 template <
typename Scalar,
int size>
292 auto operator+=(Eigen::DiagonalMatrix<Scalar, size>& a,
const Eigen::DiagonalMatrix<Scalar, size>& b) {
293 a.diagonal() += b.diagonal();
307 template <
typename Derived,
typename Scalar,
int size>
308 auto operator+(
const Eigen::MatrixBase<Derived>& a,
const Eigen::DiagonalMatrix<Scalar, size>& b) {
309 auto c = a.derived().eval();
310 c.diagonal() += b.diagonal();
324 template <
typename Derived,
typename Scalar,
int size>
325 auto operator+(
const Eigen::DiagonalMatrix<Scalar, size>& a,
const Eigen::MatrixBase<Derived>& b) {
337 template <
typename Scalar,
int size>
338 auto operator-(
const Eigen::DiagonalMatrix<Scalar, size>& a) {
339 return (-a.diagonal()).asDiagonal();
351 template <
typename Derived,
typename Derived2>
352 auto operator+(
const Eigen::MatrixBase<Derived>& a,
const Eigen::DiagonalWrapper<Derived2>& b) {
353 auto c = a.derived().eval();
354 c.diagonal() += b.diagonal();
367 template <
typename Derived,
typename Derived2>
368 auto operator+(
const Eigen::DiagonalWrapper<Derived>& a,
const Eigen::MatrixBase<Derived2>& b) {
381 template <
typename Scalar,
int size>
382 std::ostream&
operator<<(std::ostream& os,
const Eigen::DiagonalMatrix<Scalar, size>& a) {
383 os << Eigen::Matrix<Scalar, size, size>(a);
394 template <
typename Derived>
395 Derived
const Eigen::MatrixBase<Derived>& A) {
396 return 0.5 * (A + A.transpose());
406 template <
typename Derived>
407 Derived
const Eigen::MatrixBase<Derived>& A) {
408 return 0.5 * (A - A.transpose());
417 template <
typename Derived>
419 Eigen::IOFormat mapleFmt(Eigen::FullPrecision, 0,
", ",
420 if constexpr (std::convertible_to<Derived, const Eigen::MatrixBase<Derived>&>) {
421 std::cout <<
"\n" << A.derived().format(mapleFmt) << std::endl;
423 using Scalar =
typename Derived::Scalar;
424 using namespace Eigen;
425 constexpr int diag_size = EIGEN_SIZE_MIN_PREFER_DYNAMIC(Derived::RowsAtCompileTime, Derived::ColsAtCompileTime);
427 << Eigen::Matrix<Scalar, diag_size, diag_size>(A.derived().diagonal().asDiagonal()).format(mapleFmt)
440 template <
typename FieldVectorT>
441 auto createRandomVector(
typename FieldVectorT::value_type lower = -1,
typename FieldVectorT::value_type upper = 1) {
442 std::random_device rd;
443 std::mt19937 mt(rd());
444 std::uniform_real_distribution<typename FieldVectorT::value_type> dist(lower, upper);
445 auto rand = [&dist, &mt]() {
return dist(mt); };
447 std::generate(vec.begin(), vec.end(), rand);
458 template <
typename ScalarType>
459 Eigen::Matrix<ScalarType, 3, 3>
const Eigen::Vector<ScalarType, 3>& a) {
460 Eigen::Matrix<ScalarType, 3, 3> A;
461 A << 0, -a(2), a(1), a(2), 0, -a(0), -a(1), a(0), 0;
466 constexpr std::tuple<std::array<std::array<int, 2>, 1>, std::array<std::array<int, 2>, 3>,
467 std::array<std::array<int, 2>, 6>>
468 voigtIndices = {{{{0, 0}}}, {{{0, 0}, {1, 1}, {0, 1}}}, {{{0, 0}, {1, 1}, {2, 2}, {1, 2}, {0, 2}, {0, 1}}}};
494 template <
typename Derived,
size_t sizeOfCondensedIndices>
496 const std::array<size_t, sizeOfCondensedIndices>& indices) {
497 constexpr size_t colsFull = std::remove_cvref_t<Derived>::ColsAtCompileTime;
498 constexpr size_t rowsFull = std::remove_cvref_t<Derived>::RowsAtCompileTime;
499 static_assert(colsFull == rowsFull,
"staticCondensation only allowed for square matrices");
500 std::array<size_t, rowsFull - sizeOfCondensedIndices> remainingIndices{};
501 std::ranges::set_difference(std::ranges::iota_view(
size_t(colsFull)), indices, remainingIndices.begin());
503 auto K11 = E(remainingIndices, remainingIndices);
504 auto K12 = E(indices, remainingIndices);
505 auto K22 = E(indices, indices);
507 return (K11 - K12.transpose() * K22.inverse() * K12).eval();
522 template <
typename Derived,
size_t sizeOfRemovedCols>
523 auto removeCol(
const Eigen::MatrixBase<Derived>& E,
const std::array<size_t, sizeOfRemovedCols>& indices) {
524 constexpr size_t colsFull = std::remove_cvref_t<Derived>::ColsAtCompileTime;
525 constexpr size_t rowsFull = std::remove_cvref_t<Derived>::RowsAtCompileTime;
526 static_assert(colsFull == 1);
528 std::array<size_t, rowsFull - sizeOfRemovedCols> remainingIndices{};
529 std::ranges::set_difference(std::ranges::iota_view(
size_t(rowsFull)), indices, remainingIndices.begin());
531 return (E(remainingIndices)).eval();
548 template <
typename ST,
typename MaterialImpl>
550 bool isStrain =
true) {
551 if constexpr (!MaterialImpl::isReduced)
554 auto ev =
toVoigt(E, isStrain);
555 static_assert(
decltype(ev)::RowsAtCompileTime == 6 and
decltype(ev)::ColsAtCompileTime == 1);
557 auto evRed =
removeCol(ev, MaterialImpl::fixedVoigtIndices);
558 static_assert(
decltype(evRed)::RowsAtCompileTime == 6 - MaterialImpl::fixedVoigtIndices.size()
559 and
decltype(evRed)::ColsAtCompileTime == 1);
576 template <
typename Material,
typename Derived>
579 static_assert(
"You should only end up here, if your material is reduced");
581 auto freeindices = Material::MaterialImplType::freeVoigtIndices;
582 auto p_E = Eigen::Vector<typename Material::MaterialImplType::ScalarType, 6>::Zero().eval();
583 for (
int ri = 0;
auto i : freeindices)
587 }
else if constexpr (Concepts::EigenMatrix66<
588 Derived> or Concepts::EigenMatrix33<Derived> or Concepts::EigenVector6<Derived>) {
591 static_assert(
"You should only end up here, if your material is reduced");
593 auto freeindices = Material::MaterialImpl::freeVoigtIndices;
594 auto p_E = Eigen::Matrix<typename Material::MaterialImpl::ScalarType, 6, 6>::Zero().eval();
595 for (
int ri = 0;
auto i : freeindices) {
596 for (
int rj = 0;
auto j : freeindices)
597 p_E(i, j) = E(ri, rj++);
Contains stl-like type traits.
auto operator+(const Eigen::MatrixBase< Derived > &a, const Eigen::DiagonalMatrix< Scalar, size > &b)
Eigen::Matrix + Eigen::DiagonalMatrix addition missing in Eigen.
Definition: linearalgebrahelper.hh:308
Dune::BlockVector< Type > & operator-=(Dune::BlockVector< Type > &a, const Eigen::MatrixBase< Derived > &b)
Enables the -= operator for Dune::BlockVector += Eigen::Vector.
Definition: linearalgebrahelper.hh:199
auto norm(const Eigen::MatrixBase< Derived > &v)
Adding free norm function to Eigen types.
Definition: linearalgebrahelper.hh:258
Derived skew(const Eigen::MatrixBase< Derived > &A)
Returns the skew part of a matrix.
Definition: linearalgebrahelper.hh:407
auto staticCondensation(const Eigen::MatrixBase< Derived > &E, const std::array< size_t, sizeOfCondensedIndices > &indices)
Performs static condensation on a square matrix.
Definition: linearalgebrahelper.hh:495
auto removeCol(const Eigen::MatrixBase< Derived > &E, const std::array< size_t, sizeOfRemovedCols > &indices)
Removes specified columns from a matrix.
Definition: linearalgebrahelper.hh:523
decltype(auto) enlargeIfReduced(const Eigen::MatrixBase< Derived > &E)
Enlarges a matrix if it reduced in the context of material laws, i.e., VanishingStress If the materia...
Definition: linearalgebrahelper.hh:577
auto toVoigtAndMaybeReduce(const Eigen::Matrix< ST, 3, 3 > &E, const MaterialImpl &material, bool isStrain=true)
Converts a 3x3 matrix to Voigt notation, possibly reducing it based on material properties.
Definition: linearalgebrahelper.hh:549
void printForMaple(const Eigen::EigenBase< Derived > &A)
Method to print the matrix in a format that can directly be copied to Maple.
Definition: linearalgebrahelper.hh:418
auto viewAsFlatEigenVector(Dune::BlockVector< ValueType > &blockedVector)
View Dune::BlockVector as an Eigen::Vector.
Definition: linearalgebrahelper.hh:57
size_t correctionSize(const Dune::BlockVector< Type > &a)
Returns the total correction size of a block vector with a Manifold as the underlying type.
Definition: linearalgebrahelper.hh:151
auto createRandomVector(typename FieldVectorT::value_type lower=-1, typename FieldVectorT::value_type upper=1)
Creates a random vector of the specified type within a given range.
Definition: linearalgebrahelper.hh:441
constexpr auto voigtNotationContainer
Container for Voigt notation indices based on dimension.1D: 0,0 2D: 0,0 1,1 0,1 3D: 0,...
Definition: linearalgebrahelper.hh:480
auto operator-(const Eigen::DiagonalMatrix< Scalar, size > &a)
Unary minus for Eigen::DiagonalMatrix.
Definition: linearalgebrahelper.hh:338
auto orthonormalizeMatrixColumns(const Eigen::MatrixBase< Derived > &A)
Orthonormalizes all Matrix columns using Gram-Schmidt Orthogonalization.
Definition: linearalgebrahelper.hh:35
Derived sym(const Eigen::MatrixBase< Derived > &A)
Returns the symmetric part of a matrix.
Definition: linearalgebrahelper.hh:395
size_t valueSize(const Dune::BlockVector< Type > &a)
Returns the total value size of a block vector with a Manifold as the underlying type.
Definition: linearalgebrahelper.hh:164
auto viewAsEigenMatrixFixedDyn(Dune::BlockVector< ValueType > &blockedVector)
View Dune::BlockVector as an Eigen::Matrix with fixed rows depending on the size of the ValueType and...
Definition: linearalgebrahelper.hh:121
std::ostream & operator<<(std::ostream &os, const Eigen::DiagonalMatrix< Scalar, size > &a)
Output stream operator for Eigen::DiagonalMatrix.
Definition: linearalgebrahelper.hh:382
auto operator*(const Eigen::DiagonalMatrix< Scalar, size > &a, const Eigen::DiagonalMatrix< Scalar, size > &b)
Eigen::DiagonalMatrix Product Missing in Eigen.
Definition: linearalgebrahelper.hh:278
Dune::BlockVector< Type > & operator+=(Dune::BlockVector< Type > &a, const Eigen::MatrixBase< Derived > &b)
Enables the += operator for Dune::BlockVector += Eigen::Vector.
Definition: linearalgebrahelper.hh:179
Dune::BlockVector< ManifoldPoint > & addInEmbedding(Dune::BlockVector< ManifoldPoint > &a, const Eigen::MatrixBase< Derived > &b)
Enables the addition in the embedding space of a vector in the space M^n, where M is a manifold with ...
Definition: linearalgebrahelper.hh:239
auto viewAsEigenMatrixAsDynFixed(Dune::BlockVector< ValueType > &blockedVector)
View Dune::BlockVector as an Eigen::Matrix with dynamic rows and fixed columns depending on the size ...
Definition: linearalgebrahelper.hh:88
constexpr Eigen::Index toVoigt(Eigen::Index i, Eigen::Index j) noexcept
Converts 2D indices to Voigt notation index.
Definition: tensorutils.hh:167
Definition: simpleassemblers.hh:21
Definition: truncatedconjugategradient.hh:24
static constexpr bool isReduced
Static constant for determining if the material has vanishing stress components (is reduced).
Definition: interface.hh:81
Definition: concepts.hh:25
Concept defining the requirements for types that support in-place addition.
Definition: concepts.hh:310
Concept defining the requirements for Eigen vectors.
Definition: concepts.hh:381