version 0.4.1
resultfunction.hh File Reference

Ikarus Result Function for Stress and other finite element results. More...

#include <type_traits>
#include <dune/vtk/function.hh>
#include <dune/vtk/vtkwriter.hh>
#include <ikarus/finiteelements/ferequirements.hh>
#include <ikarus/utils/concepts.hh>

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class  Ikarus::ResultFunction< AS, RT, UserFunction >
 Wrapper to evaluate results for a vtkwriter. More...


namespace  Ikarus


template<template< typename, int, int > class RT, typename UserFunction = Impl::DefaultUserFunction, Concepts::FlatAssembler AS>
auto Ikarus::makeResultFunction (std::shared_ptr< AS > assembler, Dune::VTK::Precision prec=Dune::VTK::Precision::float64, UserFunction &&userFunction={})
 Function to create a ResultFunction as a shared_ptr. More...
template<template< typename, int, int > class RT, typename UserFunction , Concepts::FlatAssembler AS>
auto Ikarus::makeResultFunction (std::shared_ptr< AS > assembler, UserFunction &&userFunction)
 Function to create a ResultFunction as a shared_ptr. More...
template<template< typename, int, int > class RT, typename UserFunction = Impl::DefaultUserFunction, Concepts::FlatAssembler AS>
auto Ikarus::makeResultVtkFunction (std::shared_ptr< AS > assembler, UserFunction &&userFunction={})
 Function to create a ResultFunction as a gridfunction that can be used with dune-vtk. More...