version 0.4
Class List
Here are the classes, structs, unions and interfaces with brief descriptions:
[detail level 123]
 CTruncatedConjugateGradientIterative solver for solving linear systems using the truncated conjugate gradient method
 CAffordanceCollectionImplStruct representing a collection of affordances
 CAlgoInfoAdditional information about the TrustRegion algorithm
 CArcLengthStructure representing the subsidiary function for the standard arc-length method
 CAutoDiffFEAutoDiffFE class, an automatic differentiation wrapper for finite elements
 CBasisWrapper class for a hierarchical basis constructed from a pre-basis
 CBulkModulusAndLamesFirstParameterStructure representing Lame's first parameter and shear modulus
 CControlInformationStructure containing information about the control results
 CControlLoggerControlLogger class for logging control messages
 CControlSubsamplingVertexVTKWriterControlSubsamplingVertexVTKWriter class for writing VTK files with subsampling based on control messages
 CConvertLameConstantsConversion utility for Lame's constants
 CDenseFlatAssemblerDenseFlatAssembler assembles matrix quantities using a flat basis Indexing strategy. The matrix is stored in a dense matrix format. This format is exploited during the assembly process
 CDirichletValuesClass for handling Dirichlet boundary conditions in Ikarus
 CDisplacementControlStructure representing the subsidiary function for the displacement control method
 CEASH1E21Structure representing EAS for H1 with 21 enhanced strains
 CEASH1E9Structure representing EAS for H1 with 9 enhanced strains
 CEASQ1E4EASQ1E4 structure for Enhanced Assumed Strains (EAS) with linear strains and 4 enhanced modes
 CEASQ1E5Structure representing EAS for Q1 with 5 enhanced strains
 CEASQ1E7Structure representing EAS for Q1 with 7 enhanced strains
 CEnhancedAssumedStrainsWrapper class for using Enhanced Assumed Strains (EAS) with displacement based elements
 CFERequirementsClass representing the requirements for finite element calculations
 CFErequirementsClass representing the requirements for finite element calculations
 CFETraitsTemplate structure defining traits for a given grid element entity type
 CFlatAssemblerBaseThe FlatAssemblerBase takes care of common subtasks done by flat assemblers
 CFlatIndexMergingStrategyDefine the flat index-merging strategy for a given strategy IMS
 CFlatIndexMergingStrategy< Dune::Functions::BasisFactory::BlockedInterleaved >
 CFlatIndexMergingStrategy< Dune::Functions::BasisFactory::BlockedLexicographic >
 CFlatPreBasisTransform a PreBasis into one with flat index-merging strategyThis utility takes a pre-basis and converts recursively all index-merging strategies into their flat analog, i.e. BlockedInterleaved is converted into FlatInterleaved and BlockedLexicographic is transformed into FlatLexicographic
 CFlatPreBasis< Dune::Functions::CompositePreBasis< IMS, SPB... > >
 CFlatPreBasis< Dune::Functions::PowerPreBasis< IMS, SPB, C > >
 CGenericObserverGenericObserver class for observing specific messages
 CIkarusInstanceSingleton class representing an instance of the Ikarus framework
 CIObservableGeneric observable interface for the Observer design pattern. See [3] for a description of the design pattern
 CIObserverGeneric observer interface for the Observer design pattern. See [3] for a description of the design pattern
 CKirchhoffLoveShellKirchhoff-Love shell finite element class
 CLinearElasticLinearElastic class represents a linear elastic finite element
 CLinearElasticityTImplementation of the Linear Elasticity material model.The energy is computed as
 CLinearSolverTemplateA type-erased class which wraps most of the linear solvers available in Eigen
 CLoadControlThe LoadControl control routine increases the last parameter of a nonlinear operator and calls a nonlinear solver.This class represents the LoadControl control routine. It increments the last parameter of a nonlinear operator and utilizes a nonlinear solver, such as Newton's method, to solve the resulting system at each step
 CLoadControlSubsidiaryFunctionStructure representing the subsidiary function for the load control method
 CMaterialInterface classf or materials
 CNeoHookeTImplementation of the Neo-Hookean material model.The energy is computed as
 CNewtonRaphsonImplementation of the Newton-Raphson method for solving nonlinear equations
 CNewtonRaphsonSettingsSettings for the Newton-Raphson solver
 CNewtonRaphsonWithSubsidiaryFunctionNewton-Raphson solver with subsidiary function
 CNewtonRaphsonWithSubsidiaryFunctionSettingsSettings for the Newton-Raphson solver with subsidiary function
 CNonLinearElasticNonLinearElastic class represents a non-linear elastic finite element
 CNonLinearOperatorRepresents a NonLinearOperator class for handling nonlinear operators
 CNonLinearSolverInformationInformation about the result of a non-linear solver
 CNonLinearSolverLoggerImplementation of an observer for logging non-linear solvers.This class inherits from the IObserver class and provides specific implementations for updating based on NonLinearSolverMessages
 CPathFollowingThe PathFollowing control routine for path-following analysis
 CPowerBasisFEPowerBasisFE class for working with a power basis in FlatInterLeaved elements
 CResultFunctionWrapper to evaluate results for a vtkwriter
 CResultRequirementsClass representing the requirements for obtaining specific results
 CResultTypeMapClass representing a map of result types to result arrays
 CScalarAssemblerScalarAssembler assembles scalar quantities
 CScalarFieldFEScalarFieldFE class, a class for Single-DOF elements using a scalar basis
 CSparseFlatAssemblerSparseFlatAssembler assembles matrix quantities using a flat basis Indexing strategy. The matrix is stored in a sparse matrix format. This format is exploited during the assembly process
 CStatsInformation about the TrustRegion solver
 CStVenantKirchhoffTImplementation of the Saint Venant-Kirchhoff material model.The energy is computed as
 CSubsidiaryArgsStructure containing arguments for subsidiary functions
 CTractionTraction class represents distributed traction load that can be applied
 CTraitsFromFETraits for handling finite elements.see
 CTrustRegionTrust Region solver for non-linear optimization problems
 CTrustRegionSettingsConfiguration settings for the TrustRegion solver
 CVanishingStressVanishingStress material model that enforces stress components to be zero
 CVectorFlatAssemblerVectorFlatAssembler assembles vector quantities using a flat basis Indexing strategy
 CVolumeVolume class represents distributed volume load that can be applied
 CYoungsModulusAndBulkModulusStructure representing Young's modulus and Lame's first parameter
 CYoungsModulusAndLamesFirstParameterStructure representing bulk modulus and Lame's first parameter
 CYoungsModulusAndPoissonsRatioStructure representing Young's modulus and shear modulus
 CYoungsModulusAndShearModulusStructure representing Young's modulus and bulk modulus
 CConversion< autodiff::Real< order, T > >Conversion specialization for autodiff::Real type