CIkarus::AffordanceCollectionImpl | Struct representing a collection of affordances |
CIkarus::AlgoInfo | Additional information about the TrustRegion algorithm |
CIkarus::ArcLength | Structure representing the subsidiary function for the standard arc-length method |
CIkarus::Basis< PreBasis_ > | Wrapper class for a hierarchical basis constructed from a pre-basis |
CIkarus::BulkModulusAndLamesFirstParameter | Structure representing Lame's first parameter and shear modulus |
CIkarus::utils::CheckFlags | Struct to hold flags for function checks |
CIkarus::ControlInformation | Structure containing information about the control results |
CPython::Conversion< autodiff::Real< order, T > > | Conversion specialization for autodiff::Real type |
CIkarus::ConvertLameConstants< ValuePair > | Conversion utility for Lame's constants |
CIkarus::DefaultMembraneStrain | |
CIkarus::DirichletValues< Basis_, FlagsType_ > | Class for handling Dirichlet boundary conditions in Ikarus |
►CDisplacementBasedElement | |
CIkarus::EnhancedAssumedStrains< DisplacementBasedElement > | Wrapper class for using Enhanced Assumed Strains (EAS) with displacement based elements |
CIkarus::DisplacementControl | Structure representing the subsidiary function for the displacement control method |
CIkarus::EASH1E21< Geometry > | Structure representing EAS for H1 with 21 enhanced strains |
CIkarus::EASH1E9< Geometry > | Structure representing EAS for H1 with 9 enhanced strains |
CIkarus::EASQ1E4< Geometry > | EASQ1E4 structure for Enhanced Assumed Strains (EAS) with linear strains and 4 enhanced modes |
CIkarus::EASQ1E5< Geometry > | Structure representing EAS for Q1 with 5 enhanced strains |
CIkarus::EASQ1E7< Geometry > | Structure representing EAS for Q1 with 7 enhanced strains |
CEigen::EigenBase< Derived > | |
►Cstd::false_type | |
CIkarus::traits::hasType< T, Tuple > | Type trait to check if a specified type is present in a tuple |
CIkarus::FERequirements< SolutionVectorType_, ParameterType_ > | Class representing the requirements for finite element calculations |
►CIkarus::FERequirements< std::reference_wrapper< Eigen::VectorXd >, std::reference_wrapper< double > > | |
CIkarus::FErequirements< SolutionVectorType_, ParameterType_ > | Class representing the requirements for finite element calculations |
CIkarus::FETraits< GridElement, useRef > | Template structure defining traits for a given grid element entity type |
CDune::FieldVector< ScalarType, size > | |
►CIkarus::FlatAssemblerBase< FEContainer_, DirichletValuesType_ > | The FlatAssemblerBase takes care of common subtasks done by flat assemblers |
►CIkarus::ScalarAssembler< FEContainer_, DirichletValuesType_ > | ScalarAssembler assembles scalar quantities |
►CIkarus::VectorFlatAssembler< FEContainer_, DirichletValuesType_ > | VectorFlatAssembler assembles vector quantities using a flat basis Indexing strategy |
CIkarus::DenseFlatAssembler< FEContainer_, DirichletValuesType_ > | DenseFlatAssembler assembles matrix quantities using a flat basis Indexing strategy. The matrix is stored in a dense matrix format. This format is exploited during the assembly process |
CIkarus::SparseFlatAssembler< FEContainer_, DirichletValuesType_ > | SparseFlatAssembler assembles matrix quantities using a flat basis Indexing strategy. The matrix is stored in a sparse matrix format. This format is exploited during the assembly process |
CIkarus::FlatIndexMergingStrategy< IMS > | Define the flat index-merging strategy for a given strategy IMS |
CIkarus::FlatIndexMergingStrategy< Dune::Functions::BasisFactory::BlockedInterleaved > | |
CIkarus::FlatIndexMergingStrategy< Dune::Functions::BasisFactory::BlockedLexicographic > | |
CIkarus::FlatPreBasis< PreBasis > | Transform a PreBasis into one with flat index-merging strategyThis utility takes a pre-basis and converts recursively all index-merging strategies into their flat analog, i.e. BlockedInterleaved is converted into FlatInterleaved and BlockedLexicographic is transformed into FlatLexicographic |
CIkarus::FlatPreBasis< Dune::Functions::CompositePreBasis< IMS, SPB... > > | |
CIkarus::FlatPreBasis< Dune::Functions::PowerPreBasis< IMS, SPB, C > > | |
CIkarus::traits::FunctionTraits< T, typename > | Type trait for extracting information about functions |
CIkarus::IkarusInstance | Singleton class representing an instance of the Ikarus framework |
CIkarus::traits::Index< T, Tuple > | Type trait to get the index of a type in a tuple |
CIkarus::IObservable< MessageType > | Generic observable interface for the Observer design pattern. See [3] for a description of the design pattern |
►CIkarus::IObservable< ControlMessages > | |
CIkarus::LoadControl< NonLinearSolver > | The LoadControl control routine increases the last parameter of a nonlinear operator and calls a nonlinear solver.This class represents the LoadControl control routine. It increments the last parameter of a nonlinear operator and utilizes a nonlinear solver, such as Newton's method, to solve the resulting system at each step |
CIkarus::PathFollowing< NonLinearSolver, PathFollowingType, AdaptiveStepSizing > | The PathFollowing control routine for path-following analysis |
►CIkarus::IObservable< NonLinearSolverMessages > | |
CIkarus::NewtonRaphson< NonLinearOperatorImpl, LinearSolver, UpdateFunctionTypeImpl > | Implementation of the Newton-Raphson method for solving nonlinear equations |
CIkarus::NewtonRaphsonWithSubsidiaryFunction< NonLinearOperatorImpl, LinearSolver, UpdateFunctionTypeImpl > | Newton-Raphson solver with subsidiary function |
CIkarus::TrustRegion< NonLinearOperatorImpl, preConditioner, UpdateFunctionTypeImpl > | Trust Region solver for non-linear optimization problems |
CIkarus::IObserver< MessageType > | Generic observer interface for the Observer design pattern. See [3] for a description of the design pattern |
►CIkarus::IObserver< ControlMessages > | |
CIkarus::ControlLogger | ControlLogger class for logging control messages |
CIkarus::ControlSubsamplingVertexVTKWriter< Basis > | ControlSubsamplingVertexVTKWriter class for writing VTK files with subsampling based on control messages |
►CIkarus::IObserver< Messages > | |
CIkarus::GenericObserver< Messages > | GenericObserver class for observing specific messages |
►CIkarus::IObserver< NonLinearSolverMessages > | |
CIkarus::NonLinearSolverLogger | Implementation of an observer for logging non-linear solvers.This class inherits from the IObserver class and provides specific implementations for updating based on NonLinearSolverMessages |
CIkarus::AdaptiveStepSizing::IterationBased | The IterationBased strategy for adaptive step sizing |
►CIterativeSolverBase | |
CEigen::TruncatedConjugateGradient< MatrixType, Eigen::Lower|Eigen::Upper, PreConditionerType > | |
CEigen::TruncatedConjugateGradient< MatrixType_, UpLo_, Preconditioner_ > | Iterative solver for solving linear systems using the truncated conjugate gradient method |
CIkarus::KirchhoffLoveShell< Basis_, FERequirements_, useEigenRef >::KinematicVariables< ScalarType > | A structure representing kinematic variables |
CIkarus::LamesFirstParameterAndShearModulus | |
CIkarus::LinearSolverTemplate< ScalarType > | A type-erased class which wraps most of the linear solvers available in Eigen |
CIkarus::LinearSolverTemplate< double > | |
CIkarus::LoadControlSubsidiaryFunction | Structure representing the subsidiary function for the load control method |
CIkarus::utils::LoadDefault | Empty struct representing a default load operation |
CIkarus::Material< MaterialImpl > | Interface classf or materials |
►CIkarus::Material< LinearElasticityT< ScalarType_ > > | |
CIkarus::LinearElasticityT< ScalarType_ > | Implementation of the Linear Elasticity material model.The energy is computed as |
►CIkarus::Material< NeoHookeT< ScalarType_ > > | |
CIkarus::NeoHookeT< ScalarType_ > | Implementation of the Neo-Hookean material model.The energy is computed as |
►CIkarus::Material< StVenantKirchhoffT< ScalarType > > | |
CIkarus::StVenantKirchhoffT< ScalarType > | |
►CIkarus::Material< StVenantKirchhoffT< ScalarType_ > > | |
CIkarus::StVenantKirchhoffT< ScalarType_ > | Implementation of the Saint Venant-Kirchhoff material model.The energy is computed as |
►CIkarus::Material< VanishingStress< stressIndexPair, MaterialImpl > > | |
CIkarus::VanishingStress< stressIndexPair, MaterialImpl > | VanishingStress material model that enforces stress components to be zero |
CIkarus::NewtonRaphsonSettings | Settings for the Newton-Raphson solver |
CIkarus::NewtonRaphsonWithSubsidiaryFunctionSettings | Settings for the Newton-Raphson solver with subsidiary function |
CIkarus::NonLinearOperator< TypeListOne, TypeListTwo > | Represents a NonLinearOperator class for handling nonlinear operators |
CIkarus::NonLinearSolverInformation | Information about the result of a non-linear solver |
CIkarus::AdaptiveStepSizing::NoOp | The NoOp strategy for adaptive step sizing |
CIkarus::PowerBasisFE< Basis > | PowerBasisFE class for working with a power basis in FlatInterLeaved elements |
►CIkarus::PowerBasisFE< Basis_::FlatBasis > | |
CIkarus::KirchhoffLoveShell< Basis_, FERequirements_, useEigenRef > | Kirchhoff-Love shell finite element class |
CIkarus::LinearElastic< Basis_, FERequirements_, useEigenRef > | LinearElastic class represents a linear elastic finite element |
CIkarus::NonLinearElastic< Basis_, Material_, FERequirements_, useEigenRef > | NonLinearElastic class represents a non-linear elastic finite element |
CIkarus::ResultEvaluators::PrincipalStress | Struct for calculating principal stresses |
►CRealFE_ | |
CIkarus::AutoDiffFE< RealFE_, FERequirementType_, useEigenRef, forceAutoDiff > | AutoDiffFE class, an automatic differentiation wrapper for finite elements |
CIkarus::traits::Rebind< Container, NewType > | Type trait to rebind the underlying type of containers |
CIkarus::ResultRequirements< FERequirements > | Class representing the requirements for obtaining specific results |
CIkarus::ResultTypeMap< ParameterType > | Class representing a map of result types to result arrays |
CIkarus::ResultTypeMap< ctype > | |
CIkarus::ScalarFieldFE< Basis_ > | ScalarFieldFE class, a class for Single-DOF elements using a scalar basis |
CIkarus::utils::SolverDefault | Default functor for solving operations |
CIkarus::Stats | Information about the TrustRegion solver |
CIkarus::SubsidiaryArgs | Structure containing arguments for subsidiary functions |
CEigen::TCGInfo< Scalar > | |
CEigen::TCGInfo< double > | |
CEigen::TCGInfo< typename MatrixType_::RealScalar > | |
CIkarus::Traction< DisplacementBasedElement, Traits > | Traction class represents distributed traction load that can be applied |
►CIkarus::Traction< KirchhoffLoveShell< Basis_, FERequirements<>, false >, TraitsFromFE< Basis_, FERequirements<>, false > > | |
CIkarus::KirchhoffLoveShell< Basis_, FERequirements_, useEigenRef > | Kirchhoff-Love shell finite element class |
►CIkarus::Traction< LinearElastic< Basis_, FERequirements<>, false >, TraitsFromFE< Basis_, FERequirements<>, false > > | |
CIkarus::LinearElastic< Basis_, FERequirements_, useEigenRef > | LinearElastic class represents a linear elastic finite element |
►CIkarus::Traction< NonLinearElastic< Basis_, Material_, FERequirements<>, false >, TraitsFromFE< Basis_, FERequirements<>, false > > | |
CIkarus::NonLinearElastic< Basis_, Material_, FERequirements_, useEigenRef > | NonLinearElastic class represents a non-linear elastic finite element |
CEigen::internal::traits< TruncatedConjugateGradient< MatrixType_, UpLo, Preconditioner_ > > | |
CIkarus::TraitsFromFE< Basis_, FERequirements_, useRef > | Traits for handling finite elements.see |
►Cstd::true_type | |
CIkarus::traits::isSpecialization< U, U< T... > > | Type trait to check if a class is a specialization of a template |
CIkarus::traits::isSpecializationNonTypeAndTypes< Type, Type< T, N... > > | Type trait to check if a class is a specialization of a template with a non-type parameter and types |
CIkarus::traits::isSpecializationNonTypes< Type, Type< N... > > | Type trait to check if a class is a specialization of a template with non-type parameters |
CIkarus::traits::isSpecializationTypeNonTypeAndType< Type, Type< T, M, N > > | Type trait to check if a class is a specialization of a template with types and two non-type parameters |
CIkarus::traits::is_tuple< std::tuple< T... > > | Type trait to check if a type is an instantiation of std::tuple |
CIkarus::TrustRegionSettings | Configuration settings for the TrustRegion solver |
CIkarus::utils::UpdateDefault | Default functor for updating operations |
CValueWrapper< T > | |
CIkarus::Volume< DisplacementBasedElement, Traits > | Volume class represents distributed volume load that can be applied |
►CIkarus::Volume< KirchhoffLoveShell< Basis_, FERequirements<>, false >, TraitsFromFE< Basis_, FERequirements<>, false > > | |
CIkarus::KirchhoffLoveShell< Basis_, FERequirements_, useEigenRef > | Kirchhoff-Love shell finite element class |
►CIkarus::Volume< LinearElastic< Basis_, FERequirements<>, false >, TraitsFromFE< Basis_, FERequirements<>, false > > | |
CIkarus::LinearElastic< Basis_, FERequirements_, useEigenRef > | LinearElastic class represents a linear elastic finite element |
►CIkarus::Volume< NonLinearElastic< Basis_, Material_, FERequirements<>, false >, TraitsFromFE< Basis_, FERequirements<>, false > > | |
CIkarus::NonLinearElastic< Basis_, Material_, FERequirements_, useEigenRef > | NonLinearElastic class represents a non-linear elastic finite element |
CIkarus::ResultEvaluators::VonMises | Struct for calculating von Mises stress |
►CDune::VTKFunction | |
CIkarus::ResultFunction< ElementType_, UserFunction > | Wrapper to evaluate results for a vtkwriter |
CIkarus::YoungsModulusAndBulkModulus | Structure representing Young's modulus and Lame's first parameter |
CIkarus::YoungsModulusAndLamesFirstParameter | Structure representing bulk modulus and Lame's first parameter |
CIkarus::YoungsModulusAndPoissonsRatio | Structure representing Young's modulus and shear modulus |
CIkarus::YoungsModulusAndShearModulus | Structure representing Young's modulus and bulk modulus |