version 0.4.1
Class Hierarchy
This inheritance list is sorted roughly, but not completely, alphabetically:
[detail level 1234]
 CIkarus::AlgoInfoAdditional information about the TrustRegion algorithm
 CIkarus::ArcLengthStructure representing the subsidiary function for the standard arc-length method
 CIkarus::AssemblerManipulator< A, Ass >The AssemblerManipulator defines a decorator for the assemblers that helps to manipulate the assembled quantities
 CIkarus::BasisHandler< PB >Wrapper class for a hierarchical basis constructed from a pre-basis
 CIkarus::BulkModulusAndLamesFirstParameterStructure representing Lame's first parameter and shear modulus
 CIkarus::traits::ChangeArgTypeAtPos< Func, Pos, NewType >Main function to wrap the type at position pos in a std::function
 CIkarus::utils::CheckFlagsStruct to hold flags for function checks
 CIkarus::ControlInformationStructure containing information about the control results
 CPython::Conversion< autodiff::Real< order, T > >Conversion specialization for autodiff::Real type
 CIkarus::ConvertLameConstants< ValuePair >Conversion utility for Lame's constants
 CIkarus::Vtk::DefaultVTKWriterManager< GV >Manages the default template parameter for the Vtk::Writer
 CIkarus::DeriveSizeType< class >A helper struct to derive the SizeType of the underlying container
 CIkarus::DeriveSizeType< std::vector< bool > >
 CIkarus::DeriveSizeType< T >
 CIkarus::DirichletValues< B, FC >Class for handling Dirichlet boundary conditions in Ikarus
 CIkarus::DisplacementControlStructure representing the subsidiary function for the displacement control method
 CIkarus::EAS::E0< GEO >Dummy struct for displacement-based EAS elements, i.e. 0 enhanced modes
 CEigen::EigenBase< Derived >
 CIkarus::EnhancedAssumedStrains< PreFE, FE >Wrapper class for using Enhanced Assumed Strains (EAS) with displacement based elements
 CIkarus::EnhancedAssumedStrainsPreA PreFE struct for Enhanced Assumed Strains
 CIkarus::FEFactory< BH, SK, useFlat, useEigenRef >FEFactory is a convenient wrapper to forward arguments to PreFE and create and construct a factory of finite elements
 CIkarus::Impl::FEInit< PreFE, FE< PreFE, Skills... > >
 CIkarus::FERequirements< sol, para, SV, PM >Class representing the requirements for finite element calculations
 CIkarus::FERequirementsFactory< sol, para, wrapWithRef, SV, PM >
 CIkarus::FETraits< BH, useRef, useFlat >Traits for handling finite elements
 CDune::FieldVector< K, N >
 CIkarus::FlatAssemblerBase< FEC, DV >The FlatAssemblerBase takes care of common subtasks done by flat assemblers
 CIkarus::FlatIndexMergingStrategy< IMS >Define the flat index-merging strategy for a given strategy IMS
 CIkarus::FlatIndexMergingStrategy< Dune::Functions::BasisFactory::BlockedInterleaved >
 CIkarus::FlatIndexMergingStrategy< Dune::Functions::BasisFactory::BlockedLexicographic >
 CIkarus::FlatPreBasis< PreBasis >Transform a PreBasis into one with flat index-merging strategyThis utility takes a pre-basis and converts recursively all index-merging strategies into their flat analog, i.e. BlockedInterleaved is converted into FlatInterleaved and BlockedLexicographic is transformed into FlatLexicographic
 CIkarus::FlatPreBasis< Dune::Functions::CompositePreBasis< IMS, SPB... > >
 CIkarus::FlatPreBasis< Dune::Functions::PowerPreBasis< IMS, SPB, C > >
 CIkarus::traits::FunctionTraits< T, typename >Type trait for extracting information about functions
 CIkarus::EAS::H1E21< GEO >Structure representing EAS for H1 with 21 enhanced strains
 CIkarus::EAS::H1E9< GEO >Structure representing EAS for H1 with 9 enhanced strains
 CIkarus::IkarusInstanceSingleton class representing an instance of the Ikarus framework
 CIkarus::traits::Index< T, Tuple >Type trait to get the index of a type in a tuple
 CIkarus::IObservable< MessageType >Generic observable interface for the Observer design pattern. See [3] for a description of the design pattern
 CIkarus::IObservable< ControlMessages >
 CIkarus::IObservable< NonLinearSolverMessages >
 CIkarus::IObserver< MT >Generic observer interface for the Observer design pattern. See [3] for a description of the design pattern
 CIkarus::IObserver< ControlMessages >
 CIkarus::IObserver< M >
 CIkarus::IObserver< NonLinearSolverMessages >
 CIkarus::AdaptiveStepSizing::IterationBasedThe IterationBased strategy for adaptive step sizing
 CIkarus::KirchhoffLoveShell< PreFE, FE >::KinematicVariables< ST >A structure representing kinematic variables
 CIkarus::Truss< PreFE, FE >::KinematicVariables< ST >A structure representing kinematic variables
 CIkarus::KirchhoffLoveShellPreA PreFE struct for Kirchhoff-Love shell elements
 CIkarus::KlArgsA struct containing information about the Youngs Modulus, Poisson's ratio and the thickness for the Kirchhoff-Love shell element
 CIkarus::LinearElasticPre< MAT >A PreFE struct for linear elastic elements
 CIkarus::LinearSolverTemplate< ST >A type-erased class which wraps most of the linear solvers available in Eigen
 CIkarus::LoadControlSubsidiaryFunctionStructure representing the subsidiary function for the load control method
 CIkarus::Material< MI >Interface classf or materials
 CIkarus::Material< LinearElasticityT< ST > >
 CIkarus::Material< NeoHookeT< ST > >
 CIkarus::Material< StVenantKirchhoffT< ScalarType > >
 CIkarus::Material< StVenantKirchhoffT< ST > >
 CIkarus::Material< VanishingStrain< strainIndexPair, MI > >
 CIkarus::Material< VanishingStress< stressIndexPair, MI > >
 CIkarus::MatrixAssembler< MA, FEC, DV, MT >The MatrixAssembler provides an interface for an assembler that assembles matrix quantities
 CIkarus::MatrixAssembler< DenseFlatAssembler< FEC, DV >, FEC, DV, Eigen::MatrixXd >
 CIkarus::MatrixAssembler< SparseFlatAssembler< FEC, DV >, FEC, DV, Eigen::SparseMatrix< double > >
 CIkarus::MatrixManipulator< Wrapper, Assembler >Base class for a wrapper to a matrix assembler
 CIkarus::NeumannBoundaryLoadPre< GV >A PreFE struct for Neumann boundary load skill
 CIkarus::NewtonRaphsonConfig< LS, UF >Config for the Newton-Raphson solver
 CIkarus::NewtonRaphsonWithSubsidiaryFunctionConfig< LS, UF >Settings for the Newton-Raphson solver with subsidiary function
 CIkarus::NonLinearElasticPre< MAT >A PreFE struct for non-linear elastic elements
 CIkarus::NonLinearOperator< TypeListOne, TypeListTwo >Represents a NonLinearOperator class for handling nonlinear operators
 CIkarus::NonlinearSolverFactory< NLSSetting >A factory class for creating nonlinear solvers
 CIkarus::NonLinearSolverInformationInformation about the result of a non-linear solver
 CIkarus::AdaptiveStepSizing::NoOpThe NoOp strategy for adaptive step sizing
 CIkarus::PreFE< BH, useFlat, useEigenRef >PreFE struct acts as a convenient wrapper for the FE class to access different type traits
 CIkarus::ResultEvaluators::PrincipalStress< dim >Struct for calculating principal stresses
 CIkarus::EAS::Q1E4< GEO >Q1E4 structure for EAS with linear strains and 4 enhanced modes
 CIkarus::EAS::Q1E5< GEO >Structure representing EAS for Q1 with 5 enhanced strains
 CIkarus::EAS::Q1E7< GEO >Structure representing EAS for Q1 with 7 enhanced strains
 CIkarus::traits::Rebind< Container, NewType >Type trait to rebind the underlying type of containers
 CIkarus::traits::remove_pointer< T >
 CIkarus::traits::ReplaceTypeAtPos< Tuple, Pos, NewType >Helper to replace the type at a specific position in a tuple
 CIkarus::FEMixin< PreFE, Skills >::RequirementType< bool, typename >
 CIkarus::FEMixin< PreFE, Skills >::RequirementType< false, T >
 CIkarus::FEMixin< PreFE, Skills >::RequirementType< true, T >
 CIkarus::ResultTypeBase< ResultTypes >Base class for element definitions that provides common functionality for ResultTypes
 CIkarus::ResultTypeBase< ResultTypes::cauchyAxialForce, ResultTypes::PK2AxialForce, ResultTypes::linearAxialForce >
 CIkarus::ResultTypeBase< ResultTypes::linearStress >
 CIkarus::ResultTypeBase< ResultTypes::PK2Stress >
 CIkarus::ScalarAssembler< SA, FEC, DV, ST >The ScalarAssembler provides an interface for an assembler that assembles scalar quantities
 CIkarus::ScalarAssembler< ScalarFlatAssembler< FEC, DV >, FEC, DV, double >
 CIkarus::ScalarManipulator< Wrapper, Assembler >Base class for a wrapper to a scalar assembler
 CScalarWrapper< T >A wrapper class for scalar types to facilitate reference passing in Python bindings
 CIkarus::Skills< ARGS >Struct representing a collection of skills
 CIkarus::Skills< PreFE, PreFE::template FE< Skills... > >
 CIkarus::utils::SolverDefaultDefault functor for solving operations
 CIkarus::Python::SparseMatrixWrapper< T >
 CIkarus::StatsInformation about the TrustRegion solver
 CIkarus::SubsidiaryArgsStructure containing arguments for subsidiary functions
 CEigen::TCGInfo< Scalar >
 CEigen::TCGInfo< double >
 CEigen::TCGInfo< typename M::RealScalar >
 CMatrixAss::template Implementation
 CScalarAss::template Implementation
 CVectorAss::template Implementation
 CMatrixAss::template Interface
 CScalarAss::template Interface
 CVectorAss::template Interface
 CIkarus::Traction< PreFE, FE >Traction class represents distributed traction load that can be applied
 CEigen::internal::traits< TruncatedConjugateGradient< MatrixType_, UpLo, Preconditioner_ > >
 CIkarus::TrussPreA PreFE struct for truss elements
 CIkarus::TrustRegionConfig< preConditioner, UF >
 CTrustRegionSettingsConfiguration settings for the TrustRegion solver
 CIkarus::traits::TupleToFunctionType< R, Tuple >Helper to convert a tuple to a function type
 CIkarus::utils::UpdateDefaultDefault functor for updating operations
 CIkarus::VectorAssembler< VA, FEC, DV, VT >The VectorAssembler provides an interface for an assembler that assembles vector quantities
 CIkarus::VectorAssembler< VectorFlatAssembler< FEC, DV >, FEC, DV, Eigen::VectorXd >
 CIkarus::VectorManipulator< Wrapper, Assembler >Base class for a wrapper to a vector assembler
 CIkarus::VolumeLoad< PreFE, FE >VolumeLoad class represents distributed volume load that can be applied
 CIkarus::VolumeLoadPre< wd >A PreFE struct for volume load skill
 CIkarus::ResultEvaluators::VonMisesStruct for calculating von Mises stress
 CIkarus::YoungsModulusAndBulkModulusStructure representing Young's modulus and Lame's first parameter
 CIkarus::YoungsModulusAndLamesFirstParameterStructure representing bulk modulus and Lame's first parameter
 CIkarus::YoungsModulusAndPoissonsRatioSee Structure representing Young's modulus and shear modulus
 CIkarus::YoungsModulusAndShearModulusStructure representing Young's modulus and bulk modulus