version 0.4
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File List
Here is a list of all files with brief descriptions:
[detail level 12345]
 simpleassemblers.hhDefines several assemblers for finite element assembly
 simpleassemblers.inlImplementation of assembler functions
 adaptivestepsizing.hhContains the AdaptiveStepSizing namespace with strategies for adaptive step sizing
 controlinfos.hhDefines the ControlInformation structure for storing control results
 loadcontrol.hhDefines the LoadControl class
 loadcontrol.inlImplementation of the run function
 pathfollowing.hhDefines the PathFollowing class
 pathfollowing.inlImplementation of the run function
 pathfollowingfunctions.hhDefines structures and methods related to subsidiary functions for control routines
 ferequirements.hhDefinition of the LinearElastic class for finite element mechanics computations
 fetraits.hhFETraits template structure for finite element traits
 physicshelper.hhMaterial property functions and conversion utilities
 resultevaluators.hhIkarus Result Evaluators for Stress Analysis
 resultfunction.hhIkarus Result Evaluators for Stress Analysis
 truncatedconjugategradient.hhDefinition of TruncatedConjugateGradient class for solving linear systems using truncated conjugate gradient method
 algorithms.hhImplementation of several stl-like algorithms
 autodiffhelper.hhHelper for the autodiff library
 utils/basis.hhWrapper around Dune-functions global basis
 concepts.hhSeveral concepts
 defaultfunctions.hhCollection of fallback default functions
 utils/dirichletvalues.hhDefinition of DirichletValues class for handling Dirichlet boundary conditions
 eigendunetransformations.hhHelper for transform between Dune linear algebra types and Eigen
 eigensparseaddon.hhEnhance the eigen sparse matrix types with given given functions
 findlinesegment.hhImplementation of the findLineSegment algorithm
 flatprebasis.hhImplementation of creating a flat basis from a possibly blocked basis
 functionhelper.hhHelper for dune-functions
 functionsanitychecks.hhImplementation of function sanity checks
 init.hhImplementation of the init function
 linearalgebrahelper.hhHelper for the autodiff library
 makeenum.hhImplementation of the make enum macro
 math.hhImplementation of math related algorithms
 nonlinearoperator.hhProvides a NonLinearOperator class for handling nonlinear operators
 polyfit.hhPolynomial fitting of data
 pythonautodiffdefinitions.hhImplementation of forwarding autodiff types from python to c++ and vice versa
 tensorutils.hhHelper for the Eigen::Tensor types
 traits.hhContains stl-like type traits