▼ docs | |
▼ website | |
► doxygen | |
▼ ikarus | |
▼ assembler | |
assemblermanipulatorbuildingblocks.hh | |
assemblermanipulatorfuser.hh | Defines a decorator for the assemblers that helps to manipulate the assembled quantities |
dirichletbcenforcement.hh | |
assembler/interface.hh | Defines the interface for flat, scalar, vector and matrix assemblers |
simpleassemblers.hh | Defines several assemblers for finite element assembly |
simpleassemblers.inl | Implementation of assembler functions |
▼ controlroutines | |
adaptivestepsizing.hh | Contains the AdaptiveStepSizing namespace with strategies for adaptive step sizing |
controlinfos.hh | Defines the ControlInformation structure for storing control results |
loadcontrol.hh | Defines the LoadControl class |
loadcontrol.inl | Implementation of the run function |
pathfollowing.hh | Defines the PathFollowing class |
pathfollowing.inl | Implementation of the run function |
pathfollowingfunctions.hh | Defines structures and methods related to subsidiary functions for control routines |
▼ finiteelements | |
► mechanics | |
autodifffe.hh | Contains the AutoDiffFE class, an automatic differentiation wrapper for finite elements |
febase.hh | Contains the FE class, which is used as a base class for all finite elements. It provides information about the local view of a finite element. It also contains the PreFE class which acts as a convenient wrapper for different type traits needed by the FE class |
fefactory.hh | Contains the definition of the FEFactory class |
fehelper.hh | |
ferequirements.hh | Definition of the LinearElastic class for finite element mechanics computations |
feresulttypes.hh | Definitions of ResultTypes used for finite element results |
fetraits.hh | FETraits template structure for finite element traits |
mixin.hh | Implementation of the finite element CRTP mixin class |
physicshelper.hh | Material property functions and conversion utilities |
▼ io | |
resultevaluators.hh | Ikarus Result Evaluators for special stress quantities |
resultfunction.hh | Ikarus Result Function for Stress and other finite element results |
vtkdatatag.hh | |
io/vtkwriter.hh | Ikarus VTK Writer for finite element results |
▼ linearalgebra | |
truncatedconjugategradient.hh | Definition of TruncatedConjugateGradient class for solving linear systems using truncated conjugate gradient method |
▼ python | |
► assembler | |
► basis | |
► dirichletvalues | |
► finiteelements | |
► io | |
► utils | |
▼ solver | |
► linearsolver | |
► nonlinearsolver | |
▼ utils | |
► drawing | |
► observer | |
algorithms.hh | Implementation of several stl-like algorithms |
autodiffhelper.hh | Helper for the autodiff library |
utils/basis.hh | Wrapper around Dune-functions global basis |
concepts.hh | Several concepts |
defaultfunctions.hh | Collection of fallback default functions |
utils/dirichletvalues.hh | Definition of DirichletValues class for handling Dirichlet boundary conditions |
eigendunetransformations.hh | Helper for transform between Dune linear algebra types and Eigen |
eigensparseaddon.hh | Enhance the eigen sparse matrix types with given given functions |
findlinesegment.hh | Implementation of the findLineSegment algorithm |
flatprebasis.hh | Implementation of creating a flat basis from a possibly blocked basis |
functionhelper.hh | Helper for dune-functions |
functionsanitychecks.hh | Implementation of function sanity checks |
init.hh | Implementation of the init function |
linearalgebrahelper.hh | Helper for the autodiff library |
makeenum.hh | Implementation of the make enum macro |
math.hh | Implementation of math related algorithms |
nonlinearoperator.hh | Provides a NonLinearOperator class for handling nonlinear operators |
nonlinopfactory.hh | Contains the generic NonLinearOperatorFactory class |
polyfit.hh | Polynomial fitting of data |
pythonautodiffdefinitions.hh | Implementation of forwarding autodiff types from python to c++ and vice versa |
tensorproductquadrule.hh | Free function for creating a tensor product quadrature rule and other Dune::Quadrature rule utils |
tensorutils.hh | Helper for the Eigen::Tensor types |
traits.hh | Contains stl-like type traits |
traversal.hh | Contains functions to traverse through a tree to its different nodes |
▼ python | |
▼ ikarus | |
► assembler | |
► finite_elements | |
► io | |
► materials | |
► utils | |
__init__.py | |
_ikarus.cc | |
basis.py | |
dirichlet_values.py | |
generator.py | |
pythonhelpers.hh |